Agenda item

Doncaster Council Governance Plan 2017 and update on actions from previous years.


The Committee received an update report on the actions from previous years with regard to the Doncaster Council Governance Plan 2017. It was reported that the Annual Audit Letter 2015/16 identified one priority, two rated risk recommendation in relation to the Waste Management PFI Contract. It was noted that KPMG had recommended that this asset be re-valued at the earliest opportunity and recognised at its up to date value on the 2016/17 financial statements in line with the requirements of the code and this activity be included in the Governance Plan 2017 as recommendation 6 (R6).


Members were advised that the Governance Plan had been incorporated into the Council’s Corporate Plan in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of managing performance and assessing progress. It was reported that since the last Audit Committee meeting the following recommendations had been implemented:-


·         R4 – Medium term financial planning. The authority should ensure that it develops savings plans to meet the full budget gap of £109m identified for financial years up to 2016/17;


·         R5 – Digital Region Limited. The Authority should ensure it has appropriate arrangements in place to manage the closure of Digital Region Limited and to minimise the financial impact on the Authority.


The Committee were also advised that the Governance Plan for 2017 included:-


·         Issues raised by the Governance Group that contribute to the effective delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities shown at Appendix A as R1-R3;

·         Recommendations arising from the Annual Audit Letters provided by KPMG. Currently there were only three recommendations included from previous Annual Audit Letters which were from the 2013/14 Annual Audit Letter and were shown at Appendix 1 as R6;

·         One recommendation arising from the Annual Audit Letter 2015/16 shown at Appendix 1 as R6;

·         Updates on progress made against the improvement issues identified in the Annual Governance Statement shown at Appendix B as R7; and

·         Any relevant updates on the Council’s Internal Audit Governance Strategy Action Plan of which there were none.


The Chair requested that the hard work carried out on the issue that had arisen relating to the European funding of the White Rose Way development scheme which had resulted in the objection being withdrawn be noted and the hard work of the officers involved be recognised.


An update was requested with regard to partnerships identified at page 93 of the report particularly in relation to the number of actions taken. It was reported that there was still quite a bit of work to be carried out in relation to partnerships and it was anticipated that a report would be submitted to Directors and Audit Committee shortly. Members were advised that the process of defining partnerships had been carried out. As a result 82 partnerships had been defined. It was noted that the Council were keen to see where they were sighted within the partnerships activities. It was reported that through the work carried out some anomalies had been identified which need to be ironed out which will strengthen the Council’s arrangements.


Members noted that with regard to the Waste Management PFI Contract highlighted at page 97 of the report, there was no clear date for re-evaluation. It was reported that an update would be sought from Rotherham and a response would be confirmed to Members through the accounts closedown process.


The Chair sought an update on completion date for improvement for Learning Disability/Supported Living Reviews. In response, it was noted that there was an on-going review of this issue and it was due to be completed by the end of February, 2017, confirmation of this would be contained within the report at the next Audit Committee.


RESOLVED that the progress made in relation to the activities and progress in taking forward the Governance Plan for 2017 be noted; in particular the following activities that had now been completed and be removed from the Governance Plan:-


·                     R4 – Medium term financial Planning. The authority should ensure that it develops savings plans to meet the full budget gap          of £109m identified for financial years up to 2016/17; and

·                     R5 – Digital Region Limited. The authority should ensure it had       appropriate arrangements in place to manage the closure of          Digital Region Limited and to minimise the financial impact on the Authority.



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