Agenda item

Intermediate Health and Social Care Services in Doncaster.


The purpose of this report and presentation was to provide Members with an update and progress report on the developments in Intermediate Health and Social Care Services in Doncaster since the last update was presented in November 2016


A presentation was provided to Members who were reminded how Intermediate care was about delivering a short burst of extra care and rehabilitation outside hospital to help people recover and regain their independence as quickly as possible.  Examples explained how support could be provided in a number of situations such as when an older person has an illness which can be treated at home rather than hospital.


Rapid Response to Falls Pathway – opened to Yorkshire Ambulance Service.


Members were updated on the progress that had been made with rapid response to falls pathway which had been running for just under two months.  It was explained that initially the service is available between 8am-8pm, 7 days a week while it gets established.  It was added that the aim was for this service to ultimately be running on a 24 hour basis.


Members discussed the number of benefits that this service provided such as speedy access to a multi-agency assessment and access to equipment and technologies.


Members were taken through a case study of a lady called Joan who fell and her neighbour who called 999.  The case study explained what would have happened previously and what happened instead following changes that had been made through the intermediate care programme.




Members were told how an increasing number of partners were coming on board.  Members were informed how, for example, the Fire Service was now doing a fall service when they did prevention visits. 


Public Engagement


Members were told how one of the gaps identified when the service was reviewed was that BME groups were under represented in those who access intermediate care. It was also recognised that the profile of older people was changing in Doncaster and becoming more diverse which will require services to be more inclusive. Therefore a specific piece of work called ‘designing for diversity’ had been initiated which will aim to engage specifically with people from BME groups in Doncaster and involve them in designing a service that will better meet their needs now and in the future.

Members were informed about a Co.Create event taking place on the 30th March 2017 when Doncaster CCG and Co.Create would be staging an opportunity for members of the public to take part in a live co-design event.  It was outlined that this would aim to help ensure that older people who fall at home receive the best and safest care.




Members were informed how positively staff had engaged with the changes which had been taken forward at a really fast pace.  It was added that although there were still challenges, there had been positive responses to a recent survey of staff experience with the majority of ratings being good or very good.


Next Steps and Phased Expansion


Finally, Members were taken through the proposed next steps and phase expansion plans alongside timelines.  Members expressed an interest in receiving an update at a future meeting.


Members acknowledged how changes were being made to intermediate care that will make a significant difference to residents and form the blueprint for the Place Plan.  It was recognised that this was a significant piece of work and a real opportunity for a new model of provision. 


RESOLVED that the Panel note the report and information presented and that an update be provided at a future meeting as part of the 17/18 workplan.

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