Agenda item

Health Protection Assurance Annual Report for 2016/17.


Members were presented with an annual report on health protection in Doncaster covering the financial year 2016/17. 


It was explained that the responsibilities of Local Authorities for Public Health functions (including health protection) since 1 April 2013 have been underpinned by legislation under the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


The Panel was informed about progress from 2015/16 to 2016/17, in addressing health protection matters in Doncaster including recommendations that had been made in the 2015/2016 annual report.


There was a discussion in reference to one of the recommendations, to ‘address air quality in Doncaster wards’.  Members raised concerns about a number of areas including the following and the Consultant for Public Health offered to provide further information on each area.


·                Members spoke about National Clean Air Day taking place in June and asked what was taking place locally to support this. Members were informed that this coincided with National Walking Month taking place in May.


·                A Member raised concern about issues concerning a number of vehicles and lorries within her ward area of Sprotborough (such as Hickleton) and requested more information on how air was being monitored in her ward.


·                Members raised a number of concerns around air quality outside of school premises.  The main issue that was raised was in relation to parents securing car parking spaces just to remain there with the car engine running until school started.  Members were informed about active travel plans in place to encourage parents and school children to consider other alternatives such as walking to school.  It was recognised that this will also encourage more physical activity which has its own benefits as well as reducing transport emissions and thereby contributing to improved air quality.  It was commented that the monitoring equipment could be costly, however, Members felt that knowing the results of air monitoring outside schools could make a positive impact on parents.


·                Members were informed about the Doncaster Active Travel Alliance, established by the Public Health Team of whom the Council’s air quality officers are active members. It was explained that the purpose of Doncaster Active Travel Alliance was to bring together partners to work collectively to increase and promote active travel across Doncaster.  Members questioned whether  the best range of people was on the group and whether it should involve representatives from the business sector


In respect of taxis, it was questioned whether more could be done to encourage taxi drivers to use more environmentally friendly vehicles.




There was a discussion around smoking (protection of the public from harm of tobacco) which was identified as an area of health improvement that overlapped with health protection. Members were informed that although smoking was a major Public Health problem in Doncaster, improvements were being made.  It was acknowledged that the prevalence rate of smoking was decreasing although still significantly higher than that seen in England.  Members were also told how Doncaster was also significantly higher than the national average for women smoking at the time of delivery.  It was acknowledged that more could be done around this area.


There were comments around the increasing use of e-cigarettes especially with young people.  Concern was also raised about the increasing number of E-cigarette shops opening and one Member of the Panel reported that three were operating in their ward area. 




It was reported that Doncaster generally performs well in relation to vaccines and immunisations although there was scope for improvement.  It was noted that Doncaster being better or similar to national targets in 14 out of 18 indicators. 


The recommendations and areas of focus for 2017/18 were outlined to Members seeking their support.  In relation to immunisations, a recommendation was to continue to work with local partners to monitor in particular the uptake of flu vaccinations and MMR.  It was commented that the uptake of flu vaccinations in relation to health and care workersneeded to be widened to incorporate Council staff, care homes, and primary care staff and not just for hospital staff as it is the case currently.  It was agreed by the Panel as an additional recommendation.


In respect of population vaccination coverage, for shingles (70s), it was explained that this is being rolled out gradually to those aged over 70 years 


Other Areas


Other areas that were discussed included that: -


·         Doncaster was meeting the national target for detection of Chlamydia (green indicator)

·         Cancer screening coverage for breast cancer where Doncaster value was performing significantly better than England average (green indicator)

·         It was noted that further work was needed to ensure uptake of vaccines for travellers and asylum seekers – particularly ensuring all details are captured at registration with GP practices.


RESOLVED that the Panel;


1.         Note the progress made from 2015/16 to 2016/17 on addressing health protection matters in Doncaster;

2.         Support the following recommendations in relation to Air Quality:


i.          The Directorate of Regeneration and Environment working in conjunction with Public Health Team will explore the possibility of monitoring PM 2.5 and work to reduce the emission and ambient concentrations of PM2.5 in Doncaster.

ii.         Continue to progress the work of Doncaster Active Travel Alliance.

iii.        Establish an air quality Steering Group with respect to producing and progressing the Council’s air quality action Plan.


3.         Support the following recommendations in relation to immunisations:


i.          Continue to work with local partners to monitor in particular the uptake of flu vaccinations and MMR.


4.         Support continued work in monitoring and reporting on progress on health protection indicators in the borough.


And in addition to recommend that consideration is given to:-


5.         The reporting and monitoring of the uptake of flu vaccinations to be widened to incorporate Council staff, staff working within care homes, and primary care staff.

6.         The monitoring of air quality outside school premises.

7.         Cabinet and the Planning Committee to assess the licensing of e-cigarette shops within Doncaster.

Supporting documents: