Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2016/17


The Council considered the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report presented by Councillor Kevin Rodgers, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (OSMC), which highlighted the progress of Doncaster Council’s Overview and Scrutiny function during 2016/17.  The report also provided a summary of the work undertaken by OSMC and its four Standing Panels during 2016/17, and also highlighted some of the key achievements and the impacts that Overview and Scrutiny had made over the past year, and identified priorities for 2017/18.


Prior to consideration of the report, Councillor Rodgers, drew Members’ attention to a drafting error in relation to the membership of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel, as set out on page 5 of the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2016/17, stating that the names of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Panel as outlined, were incorrect and should be amended to read as ‘Chair - Councillor Neil Gethin’ and ‘Vice-Chair - Councillor Nigel Ball’.


The Chair also highlighted a typographical error in relation to the penultimate paragraph ‘Doncaster Exam and Assessment Results 2016’, on page 21 of the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2016/17, which should read as  ‘2016’ and not as ‘2018’. 


In presenting the report, Councillor Rodgers took the opportunity to thank the former Chair and Vice-Chair of OSMC, Councillors John Mounsey and Charlie Hogarth, for ensuring that this work had been undertaken and also placed on record his appreciation to Members, the Executive, Officers, Partners, Stakeholders and the public, who had attended meetings and contributed to the Overview and Scrutiny process.


Councillor Rodgers hoped that this report reflected the value that an effective Overview and Scrutiny function could bring to the organisation.  He stated that Overview and Scrutiny Members would continue to identify ways to positively contribute to improving the delivery of services such as health and adult social care, environmental, children’s issues, regeneration and housing, whilst the Council continued to efficiently and effectively manage its resources.


Councillor Rodgers drew Members attention to the key impacts and achievements which had arisen from the work of Overview and Scrutiny, which included all aspects of the Overview and Scrutiny process, policy review and development, reviewing performance, the work of partners, and providing a critical friend role and appropriate challenge. 


It was reported that last year, the Panels focused on reviewing topics in-depth to provide suggestions for improvement on such areas as Homelessness and Domestic Abuse.  Scrutiny was able to respond flexibly to important issues of local and public concern that had arisen during the year.  An example of this included when OSMC considered Commission, Care and Support.  In addition, Scrutiny monitored arrangements and safeguarding services for both Children’s and Adults through holding partners to account each year.


Councillor Rodgers concluded his presentation of the report by stating that he hoped to continue to build on Overview and Scrutiny’s successes in the future.


Following the presentation of the report, the Chair of Council invited Members to comment on the report.


RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2016/17, be noted, subject to:-


(i)        the membership of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel, be amended to read as Chair, Councillor Neil Gethin and Vice-Chair, Councillor Nigel Ball, as set out on page 5 of the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2016; and


(ii)       the penultimate paragraph ‘Doncaster Exam and Assessment Results 2016’, on page 21 of the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2016/17, be amended to read as ‘2016’ and not ‘2018’.

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