Agenda item

Update on Intermediate Care.


Following its request, the Panel received a report and presentation from Debbie Aitchison, Head of Strategy and Delivery, Intermediate Care, CCG detailing the current position relating to intermediate care.


It was reported that the proposed changes were being currently tested, the model was being refined and staff were being prepared for transition. Initially this phase was due to run to May 2017 when the Council was due to have agreed a new joint health and social care model for commissioning. However, testing had been extended until October 2017 to align with place plan timeline and the new arrangements for joint commissioning were implemented.


A series of test projects had been established which were as follows:-


·         Rapid Response pathway;

·         Proof of concept for a shared digital care record;

·         Closer alignment of the social care reablement service (STEPs) and health’s reablement service (CICT); and

·         Simplifying access.


Members were presented with an update on Rapid response activity and the involvement of carers in developing the new model. In response to the findings a number of recommendations had been proposed as follows:-


(1)       Development of a trusted assessor model so that a range of practitioners can routinely carry out carers assessments when             someone is referred to intermediate care;


(2)       Ensure two way communication with carers is built into any new     pathways;


(3)       Develop further links with carer support services and other voluntary          sector services e.g. AGE UK; and


(4)       Provide opportunities for on-going involvement of carers in evaluation       and development of services.


Following the presentation, Members were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions as follows:-


It was questioned whether any feedback had been received following the trial with GP’s. It was reported that positive feedback had been received and whilst there was an aim to reduce the amount of GP call outs on some occasions it is appropriate but where they can ECP’s would be used.


A Member queried the meaning of the statement made by the paramedic. It was reported that prior to the rapid response there wasn’t a clear process put in place. However, following its introduction there was now a tool that has been developed and was being tested. It was noted that previously paramedics would have been making referrals but in a less structured way whereas now there is more conversation and dialogue with the patient and their family.


The Panel welcomed the user feedback on page 24 but queried how the process would work for a person with mental health problems. It was reported that simple interventions may be all that is required to make bigger differences. However each individual may require different approaches. It was highlighted that work with Mental Health Services had only just commenced and it was recognised that there was more that can be done.


A Member stated that in the current climate, it had been noted that there was a need to reduce the number of people entering residential care. However, there was great pressure on that service and on the professionals making those decisions. He asked how the Council could be confident that for those people who require residential care were getting that service. It was reported that for some people residential care was the right solution, with the Council processing and examining each individual case. It was noted that the Council approved a significant number of cases and some cases were immediately obvious that residential care was required.


Members were advised that 1027 people were accessing the services and there were many groups of people looking through the cases, which is why something needed to change and partners to work collectively. In some cases a patient may not need a referral to hospital and by working collaboratively that patient could obtain the support needed to enable them to stay independent within their own home.


From a fire prevention perspective, it was asked whether the Fire Service had been consulted on the changes in intermediate care. It was noted that the Fire Service had been involved from the start of the process.


It was noted that there was a role to play from Elected Members and leaders and an all Members workshop had been scheduled to take place on the 10th October.


            RESOLVED that the presentation and update report be noted.

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