Agenda item

Substantial Variation - GP Branch Surgery Closure


It was explained that the purpose of the report was for the Doncaster’s Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to provide an opportunity to Panel Members to be consulted on regarding the closure of a Branch GP Surgery at Scawthorpe, Doncaster.


It was explained that there were currently three sites which formed the Ransome Practice in the North West Locality.  The main branch at the Health Centre in Bentley and another branch site at the Woodside Surgery at Woodlands.  The Practice had requested approval to close their branch site, The Clinic on Amersall Road at Scawthorpe.  It was reported that the Scawthorpe Clinic was the smallest surgery of the 3 and saw 22% of the practice population.  The Panel was informed that reasons for the closure included difficulty in recruiting GPs (the branch had only 2 partners now which had reduced from 4) and therefore spreading themselves thinly across the 3 sites.  It was explained that there were also issues with the building and that the Practice will have a reduction in PMS funding. Alongside these issues there was also an imposed premises rent increase of 400 per cent by NHS Property Services and a reduction in ability to increase revenue at the practice.


Healthwatch assured the Panel that the Practice has gone through a robust consultation process.  It was reported that the Practice Manager, a GP and representative from Healthwatch had attended all of the consultation meetings.  Also, that the Practice had developed a patient leaflet available in each of the branches, informing patients of the changes and the reasons why the branch was closing.  It was explained that there was a great deal of information that had been given to patients about the services operating through other practices and feedback had been received.  Members were informed that issues had included the concerns of the travel of elderly between practices.  It was outlined that once the consultation has ended further work would be done to consider the issues around the elderly, those housebound and how they will be addressed.


The Panel asked a range of questions and discussed the proposed closure in more detail.  The issues included the following: -


Concerns around the elderly and other patient groups – Members were concerned about travel to the other practices as two separate bus journeys would be required to travel from Scawsby to Bentley. Members were also advised that the practice had undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment and understood that nothing had arisen from that.


Vacancies on patient list at other Practices – It was explained that both the other two Practices had open lists and where lists were open, the branch would accept any patient within the area who wished to transfer. 


GP Recruitment – It was clarified that this issue was not just a problem within Doncaster but South Yorkshire wide.  Members were informed that within the General Practice Forward View document, there was a commitment to investing in other clinical groups, upskilling other members of staff to take over the paper role of GPs as well as implementing a range of other initiatives. Members had also heard how the numbers of GPs had reduced and that pressures had been experienced from GPs covering different sites.


Increased Premises Rent – Concern was raised over the increase of the 400% rise in rent imposed by NHS Property Services.  It was questioned whether the building in question, would be disposed of or whether it would continue to be used by other health services.  It was explained that consideration was given to other uses for it and that it would only be disposed of as a final resort.  It was added that it was more difficult to encourage the likes of dentists to move into a building like that as they wouldn’t get the costs reimbursed.  In respect of other services using the premises, Members were assured that RDaSH, as mentioned in the report, hadn’t used the premises for some time.


The Chair concluded the discussion by making reference to the three options under Regulation 23 of the Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013, whereby the Overview and Scrutiny Panel may make comments and recommendations on the proposal consulted upon. That if agreement could not be reached then the Overview and Scrutiny Panel could issue a report to the Secretary of State where:


a.      the Overview and Scrutiny panel is not satisfied that consultation on any proposal has been adequate in relation to content or time allowed;


b.      the Overview and Scrutiny panel is not satisfied that the reasons given by the NHS body not to consult are adequate; or


c.       the Overview and Scrutiny panel considers that the proposal would not be in the interests of the health service in its area.


The Panel concluded that it was satisfied that consultation around the proposed closure of the Branch GP Surgery at Scawthorpe had been adequate.  The Panel also wished to highlight their own concerns around the 400% increase in rent and growing problems around the recruitment of GPs and nurses.


RESOLVED that the Panels discussion be noted and comments be forwarded to the NHS CCG.

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