Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003, Gambling Act 2005 and General Licensing Update.


Members considered a report that updated them on any recent issues and matters for consideration in relation to the Licensing Act 2003, and the Gambling Act 2005, and provided a general update on any related matters.


Members were informed that this report intended to provide Members with information on the latest developments. Further to a request from a Member, Officers had made the decision to inform the Committee of all decisions taken, outside of the Committee in order that they were fully aware of what was being agreed, along with all the details of any enforcement action taken. Members had a brief discussion on these issues, focussing largely on the action taken, and it was noted that the figures for prosecutions seemed low. However, Members were assured that these figures were accurate, and adequate and relevant checks were undertaken. Members raised the issue of Child Sexual Exploitation in light of the recent Jay Report, and concerns were muted with regard to taxi drivers. However, Members were informed that all safeguarding procedures were implemented, and the report had been taken extremely seriously at Doncaster, and in actual fact with regard to this issue it was intended to bring a report to a future Licensing Committee to look at this further.


With regard to the review of both the Licensing Policy, and the Gambling Policy, these were due for review before January 2016 and it was the intention of Officers to bring these to the next Licensing Committee, following consultation, to allow for their input prior to consideration by the Cabinet and Council. It was hoped these would be taken to the Council Meeting in November 2015.


The report provided information to the Committee on a proposal to increase taxis far tariffs. The last change to these, was made in 2008, and further to proposals to increase the tariff, it seemed timely to do so. Consultation had been undertaken and the feedback from this was currently being considered and would be brought back to Committee at a future meeting. However, it was noted, that even with the increase, Doncaster would still remain in the bottom half of the country in terms of their cost.


Finally, Members were informed that a Licensing Seminar had been scheduled to take place on Thursday, 17th September, 2015 at the Dome, Doncaster, and it was thought that this would be of use to the Committee and requested that a delegate be sent to attend and then feedback to the Committee at the next meeting. Therefore it was proposed that Councillor Rachel Blake attend the Seminar with either the Chair or Vice Chair and report back to the Committee, training them on issues that needed looking at as a result.


RESOLVED that the Committee note that:


1)    For the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March, 2015, there had been 3 Licensing Committees and 4 Licensing Sub Committee convened with a total of 5 premises licenses determined;


2)    Statistical details of all other licence applications (Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005) determined by the Authority and a summary of licensing enforcement actions, for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March, 2015 attached as Appendix A to the report;


3)    The Statement of Licensing Policy (Licensing Act 2003) was due for its quinquennial review. Following a period of consultation, the Licensing Committee would be asked to recommend the reviewed Policy to Council for adoption (Expected to be November 2015), with the policy needing to be adopted by 7 January, 2016;


4)    The Statement of Licensing Policy (Gambling Act 2005) was due for its triennial review. Following a period of consultation, the Licensing Committee would be asked to recommend the reviewed Policy to the Executive for adoption by Council (November 2015). The Policy would have to be adopted by 3 January, 2016;


5)    Doncaster Council’s Public Health Improvement Coordinator (Alcohol) has requested that the Chair consider a request to update the Licensing Committee on the work that Public Health are undertaking in  Askern, Campsall and Norton as part of the Community Alcohol Partnership;


6)    A proposal to increase the existing hackney carriage (taxi) fare tariff was being considered, and this would be brought back to the Licensing Committee for decision in the near future;


Further to an invitation to the Committee for Councillors to attend a ‘Licensing Hearings’ training course in Doncaster on 17 September, 2015, the Committee agreed that either the Chair or Vice Chair along with Councillor Rachel Blake attend and feedback all relevant information to the Committee at the next meeting.

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