Agenda item

Doncaster's Strategic Health and Social Care Plans.


The Panel received a verbal update from Jackie Pederson, Doncaster CCG and Damian Allen, Director of People on progress made on Doncaster’s Strategic Health and Social Care Plans which are the Doncaster Place Plan and the Councils’ Adults Health and Wellbeing Transformation Programme.


The Chief Officer provided Members with an overview of the work carried out to date and stated that they were working together and commissioning with respective organisations to set up a joint committee with delegated authority from the Local Authority and CCG. She indicated that it was the intention to have delegated pooled budgets to commission and provide as one service.


The Director of People highlighted to Members that there was a need to be clear that the ambition was significant. However, the bigger challenge was the cultural issue and behaviour challenge. He stated that the programme of change would test out the key areas and although the service was being optimistic for the future, eyes were open for the challenge ahead. He pointed out to Members that there would be risks as change rarely happened without risks being associated, these would be dealt with as they arose. He also stated that there may be a need to re-specify areas, particularly those with more complex adult needs. Damian reported that it was important to understand the dynamics of the change and there was also the need to be accountable to those changes. He stated that a report would be submitted to Cabinet in October which will consider the commissioning agreements. For example Section 75 Agreements for pooled budgets. He stated that he envisaged that the Agreements would be signed off by the end of the financial year.


The Director further explained that the Adults Transformation Plan was being reviewed to align with the Doncaster Place Plan. He stated that the Mayor and Council would be considering the Doncaster Growing Together at Full Council on Thursday which covered a number of key aims, one of which was Doncaster Caring, part of the delivery programme for the Doncaster Place Plan.


Following the update, Members were afforded the opportunity to make comments and ask questions as follows:-


A Member stated that whilst it was a Mayoral priority to protect Doncaster Services, it appeared that the Daycare service within Mexborough had now been closed and staff asked to provide services in an alternative way. He asked officers to supply Members with a further explanation on how arrangements had impacted the service users and carers and whether there were future plans for Mexborough centre and staff. The Director of People reported that Daycare Services sits within the Adults Transformation Programme. However, there was a need to focus on the service and not the facility/building. He indicated that regular 6 weekly meetings were taking place with Mexborough Ward Members to keep them up to date on any progress made. He pointed out that there was a desire to see much more community led service provision.


The Assistant Director of Adult Social Care suggested that the Daycare Strategy be placed on a future agenda for the Panel to consider. It was reported that it had been evidenced that the day centre hadn’t been meeting the needs of the residents in the way that was needed. It was clear that from examining the service provision looking more at the people’s individual needs and desires was required. She indicated that now within Mexborough there were a series of different outlets where people go to and this had supported smaller organisations that were struggling. Although from what had looked like a negative situation, there had been some very positive outcomes for residents. Karen stated that she would provide Members with further details on specific issues outside of the meeting.


Clarity was sought with regard to the risks and opportunities outlined within the verbal update. The Chief Officer, CCG gave a few examples of risks associated with the new way of working which were as follows:-


·         Some of the models had not been tested;

·         The new way of working requires organisations to work together rather than competing; and

·         Some organisations may benefit and others may not.


She indicated that there was a need to think carefully about budgets and undertake preparatory work to ensure the right direction was being taken. She also stated that it was imperative that organisations worked together to ensure the best model was secured and the most efficient pathways were identified. She pointed out that she felt that the risk was worth taking and by working together in partnership those risks can be mitigated. The Director of People echoed comments made and stated that there was always a challenge when moving away from the traditional style service. There were risks associated with collaboration of organisations and the comfort factor played its part. Damian also pointed out that the scheme was also heavily reliant on funding from the Better Care Fund which had a finite line and there was the added risk of the programme management delivering on time and within budget.


A Member stated that with the timescales being relatively tight, were there any substantial training programmes for the staff affected by the changes. The Director of People stated that there would be training available to staff, although there may be some compromise along the way when looking at the requirements for individuals. He stated that there was a desire for staff to have enhanced skill set to enable them to be more mobile and resilient over the change in landscape.


            RESOLVED that the verbal update and report, be noted.

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