Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Chair of Council, the Mayor, Members of the Cabinet or the Head of Paid Service


The Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, made the following announcement:-


“I would like to make an announcement regarding regional Devolution.


In November, Doncaster Council agreed to hold a Community Poll to ask our residents their views on regional Devolution, specifically whether they would prefer Doncaster to be part of a wider Yorkshire Devolution agreement or the current Sheffield City Region proposals.


The consultation exercise ended yesterday and today I can announce the outcome of the Poll.


Last year when the Sheffield City Region undertook its consultation on Devolution, just 67 residents in Doncaster responded and only 561 across the whole of South Yorkshire.


In contrast, I am pleased to be able to inform Council that 45,470 residents in Doncaster have voted in our Community Poll. The results are as follows:


      Wider Yorkshire – 38,551

      Sheffield City Region – 6,685

      Invalid ballot papers – 234


This result represents an overwhelming majority in favour of wider Yorkshire Devolution, which received 85% of all valid votes cast.


The overall turnout was 20.1%, meaning that more people in Doncaster voted in our Devolution consultation, than in any of the three South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner elections which have taken place.


The Community Poll therefore represents a very significant consultation exercise, engaging tens of thousands of residents who would not otherwise have been involved in the Devolution debate.  In addition, it has significantly raised awareness of regional Devolution amongst our wider population, with more than 225,000 people receiving information direct to their door.


The outcome of the poll also reflects the views expressed by our local business community.  Colleagues will be aware that in a recent survey undertaken by Doncaster Chamber of Commerce, 70% of local businesses said they would prefer Doncaster to be part of a wider Yorkshire Devolution.


This position is also supported by the Doncaster Chamber of Commerce, our MPs and colleagues in this Chamber.


Doncaster’s position on Devolution is therefore settled.


It is the will of the people, our business community and our elected politicians that Doncaster should be part of a wider Yorkshire Devolution agreement. We will therefore respect this position and would encourage others to do the same.


We have always said that Devolution is a vitally important issue, which will impact our residents, our businesses and our Borough for the next 30 years.


From the outset, both Doncaster and Barnsley have been clear that we are willing to consider interim solutions for the Sheffield City Region. However, we are also now clear about the ultimate destination, which is for Doncaster to be part of a wider Yorkshire Devolution agreement based on the widest possible geography.


We will therefore engage constructively with Government and colleagues from across Yorkshire on this basis and seek to deliver a solution which meets these requirements, and respects the will of the people of Doncaster.  Thank you.”


The Chief Executive, Jo Miller, made the following announcement:-


“This is Simon Wiles last full Council meeting.  He has been a heroic Director of Corporate Resources and I know is valued by all Members across this Chamber.  He has been a massive part of where Doncaster is today.  He has been a huge support to me personally and a great member of the team.  I know that all Members in the Chamber would want to join me in wishing him well.  Simon, you have been a complete Donny Star and we wish you all the best in your retirement.”


The Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, also extended the Labour Party’s thanks to Simon for all the work he has done in some very difficult times and his help to drive the Borough Forward.