Agenda item

Capital Programme 2018/19 to 2021/22.


Council received a report which set out the Capital Programme Budget proposals for 2018/19 to 2021/22.


In presenting the report, the Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, stated that despite the Government’s revenue budgets cuts, it was vital that the Council continued to invest in Doncaster’s future for the benefit of its residents and to stimulate economic growth, and job creation. She was therefore very pleased to introduce the Council’s Capital Budget proposals, which would see an estimated £349m of investment across the Borough over the period 2018/19 to 2021/22.


The Mayor reported that this year alone, £129m of spend was estimated. In particular, residents would see significant progress on a number of important projects to revitalise the Town Centre and drive forward the Borough’s economy. Key to this ambition was the Council’s schemes to progress the exciting Urban Centre Masterplan, which would help to reshape the Town Centre as a key economic driver for the Borough. It aimed to make Doncaster Town Centre a vibrant hub, with more people living and working in the area, and improvements to the leisure and culture offer.


This year, residents and businesses would see significant progress on a number of schemes, including:-


·         The regeneration of Doncaster’s historic market, focused on the redevelopment of the Grade II Listed Wool Market.


·         An improved gateway into the Town Centre at the railway station, making major improvements to the area for railway station users, and encouraging new investment in this part of town; and


·         Construction of the new Central Library, Museum and Art Gallery would commence, continuing the development of the Civic and Cultural Quarter and bringing the former Girls School site back into use, incorporating the original frontage into the new scheme.


The Mayor advised that as these schemes progressed, the Council also had a pipeline of new projects to continue the masterplan development, including Quality Streets proposals for Silver Street and Hallgate.


Elsewhere in the Borough, the Council would continue its success in using major transport schemes to deliver new jobs, economic growth and housing, including:-


·         £13.3m was earmarked for the DN7 Unity Hatfield Link Road; a new 3km road from J5, M18. It was expected to deliver 3,100 houses, 395,000m2 of commercial floor space and a local centre with new retail and educational facilities over a 30 year timeframe;


·         Phase 2 of the Great Yorkshire Way would open this year, taking visitors directly to Doncaster Sheffield Airport, enabling 396,000m2 of commercial development; and


·         The £10.3m A630 Westmoor Link would unlock housing and employment sites by introducing new infrastructure improvements, including high capacity junctions and widening a narrow railway bridge.


The Mayor commented that where the market had been unable to deliver on its own, the Council was stepping in to help bring new economic development schemes to fruition.  At Lakeside, the Council would develop the Herten Triangle scheme to deliver new leisure facilities with a number of restaurants, cafe and drive through units.  As well as creating new jobs for local people, the project was expected to generate £0.5m per year in rent and around £0.3m per year of new business rates, helping to offset the impact of Government cuts.


However, the Mayor highlighted that the Capital Programme was not limited to major economic development schemes.  Over the next two years, 151 new Council owned affordable units would be delivered through the Council’s Affordable Housing building programme investing £16.8m, which included the major regeneration and redevelopment at the Wheatley Howards Estate.


The Mayor also reported that further funding totalling £20.6m had been earmarked for new build developments, subject to scheme approval. It was estimated this would deliver in the region of 180 additional units. 


Members were informed that the Council would also be improving its existing Council Housing stock with £15.3m allocated in 2018/19 for improving and maintaining existing Council homes.  A further £3.6m would be spent on high-rise fire safety improvements, including the introduction of new fire suppressant and sprinkler systems following the tragic Grenfell Fire.  In addition, £5.4m would be invested in Energy Efficiency Works on hard to treat properties, improving the lives of our tenants.


In Adults Services, 1200 housing adaptations for the disabled were estimated to be completed per year, with an estimated funding package of £17.8m.


In relation to Children and Young People, twenty nine schools were estimated to have a range of improvement works completed in 2018/19, including roof replacements, electrical and lighting upgrades, window replacement and heating system improvements, investing £11.1m.  £1.5m would also be invested through Doncaster Children’s Services Trust for the construction and acquisition of accommodation for Care Leavers.


With regard to Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust, this was also the final year of a 5 year programme of investment in the Council’s leisure facilities, with a £3.8m allocation for 2018/19. £1.3m was estimated to be used on fabric maintenance and system replacement in 2018/19, mainly at Adwick, Dearne Valley and the Dome.


The Mayor further reported that in relation to the Borough’s roads, an estimated £4.4m of LTP capital funded works would be programmed for highway, bridge and street lighting maintenance schemes in 2018/19.  This funding would support on average per year approximately, 25km of surface dressing, strengthening and resurfacing around 10km of local roads and reconstructing and resurfacing around 8km of footways in 2018/19.


In addition, it was anticipated that around 15,000m2 of permanent patching repairs would be undertaken in 2018/19 in support of pothole repairs, pothole prevention measures and routine maintenance.  £1.3m would be invested in street lighting column replacements.


To conclude, the Mayor commented that this was an excellent and exciting Capital Programme which invested in the Borough for the benefit of residents both now and in the future.


Following the presentation of the Capital Programme 2018/19 to 2021/22 proposals, Members were afforded the opportunity to comment on the report.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 21.4, a recorded vote was taken on the recommendations contained within the report, which was declared as follows:-


For - 43


The Chair of Council, Councillor George Derx, the Vice-Chair of Council, Councillor Majid Khan, the Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Glyn Jones, and Councillors Duncan Anderson, Lani-Mae Ball, Nigel Ball, Iris Beech, Joe Blackham, Rachael Blake, Nigel Cannings, Bev Chapman, Mick Cooper, Linda Curran, Susan Durant, Nuala Fennelly, Neil Gethin, Sean Gibbons, John Gilliver, Pat Haith, Rachel Hodson,

Charlie Hogarth, Mark Houlbrook, David Hughes, Eva Hughes, Ken Keegan, Jane Kidd, Nikki McDonald, Chris McGuinness, Sue McGuinness,

John McHale, Bill Mordue, John Mounsey, David Nevett, Jane Nightingale, Andy Pickering, Andrea Robinson, Kevin Rodgers, Dave Shaw, Derek Smith, Frank Tyas Austen White and Sue Wilkinson.


Against - 7


Councillors Nick Allen, Jane Cox, Steve Cox,Martin Greenhalgh, R. Allan Jones, Cynthia Ransome and Jonathan Wood.


Abstain - 0


On being put to the meeting, the recommendation contained within the report was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED that the Capital Budget proposals for 2018/19 to 2021/22, as detailed in the report, be approved, including:-


(1)       the Capital Programme, noting the proposed investment over the next four years and what that would deliver; and


(2)       Cabinet take responsibility for agreeing any significant changes to the Schools Condition Programme and the Local Transport Plan funding, and that they be agreed in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder.

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