Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Work Plan


The Senior Governance Officer introduced the Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan for 2017/18 for the period up to November 2017.  The following issues were addressed:


Commissioning Working Together – A meeting had been set for 10th December, but had to be rescheduled due to heavy snowfall.  The meeting was due to be held on 29th January, 2018. 


          Letter from the Mayor relating to Finance and Performance Improvement – with regard to the Support for our Armed Forces Community, the Chair of Regeneration and Housing Scrutiny Panel requested that a further letter be forwarded to the Mayor requesting that the regular update provided by the Veterans Board to the Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Board be made available to the Committee, as the Committee was very keen to review the performance of this vital work.




1.     The work plan, be noted;  and

2.     A letter to the Mayor relating to support for our Armed Forces Community, as detailed in the minute above, be agreed.



Supporting documents: