Agenda item

Chair of Council's Inaugural Speech


The Chair of Council, Councillor Majid Khan, delivered his inaugural speech.


Distinguished guests, colleagues, friends and family.


I would like to start by thanking my dear friend Councillor Gethin for proposing me as Civic Mayor and for the help and support he has provided, and also to my good friend Councillor Wray who has also always provided assistance and advice.  I would like to thank them both for supporting me in becoming Civic Mayor.  I would also like to offer my thanks to the outgoing Civic Mayor, Councillor Derx and Pauline Derx, for representing Doncaster in the best way possible.


It is a pleasure to have your company on such a special day and what makes it so special for me is that my parents are here to see this.  I can only imagine what they were thinking about when they left the valleys and rivers of Kashmir and came to England to build a better life for their family.


As the son of an immigrant mill worker, did I ever think this was possible?

That I would be embraced by my peers and chosen to be the Mayor of Doncaster?  Growing up, my parents always encouraged me to seek out opportunities and do whatever I wished, and they demonstrated a work ethic which has stuck with me.  Work hard and achieve. I firmly believe that the society we live in is wonderful and if you work hard, anything is achievable.


Often people have to work harder than others and they face barriers that others don’t.  Those barriers aren’t always their physical ability, race or religion, but can be how they talk, which schools they attended, where they live or what socio economic background they come from.  Some may not have had the opportunities that others take for granted.  But, with hard work and a positive mind set, we can achieve anything.


If you look around the room, there are people present today who I refer to as my uncles, aunties, brothers and sisters.  It’s not just that we’re related by blood, but also that these are people who have helped, supported and guided me through life and they are the people who I can rely on for anything.  It’s this sense of belonging and community which makes anything possible.  As one community, the people of Doncaster can achieve greatness, but it can only happen if we work together.


It is the erosion of community links and social isolation which leaves people in very difficult circumstances.  It is for this reason that I have chosen the Doncaster Samaritans as my chosen charity for this year.  The calls that they receive are often from people in dire situations, and that last call made to the Samaritans can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.  I would encourage my Councillor colleagues to also support the Doncaster Samaritans in whichever way they can.


The Doncaster I see in the future is one where our community comes together for mutual benefit.  As Civic Mayor, I will help to bring these sections of the community closer together, to work as one Doncaster.  I aim to show Doncaster for what it truly is; a vibrant, forward thinking embracing Borough and I will aim to help Doncaster to transform and perform.”