Agenda item

Draft Annual Governance Statement 2017/18.


Members received the draft Annual Governance Statement for 2017/18 which detailed the annual review of the Councils Governance arrangements. This was a statutory requirement to undertake and demonstrated governance compliance over the period.


It was reported that the draft Annual Governance Statement may be updated prior to its final sign off in July, but it endeavoured to be as open and transparent in its demonstration that there was good governance in place in Doncaster, and that services were provided well and that public money was safeguarded and properly accounted for.


Members noted that the Annual Governance Statement undertook to do the following:-


·        Highlight key areas of improvement that had been completed and effectively managed to the extent they were no longer significant;

·        Identified significant issues arising from the 2017/18 review of the effectiveness of corporate governance arrangements

·        Provide an update on the key areas identified during previous years.


The report stated that there had been 6 significant weaknesses identified in 2017/18, which were outlined in detail on pages 4-6 of the document, and were as highlighted below:-


·        Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC)

·        General Significant Financial Challenges

·        Doncaster Integrated Peoples System (DIPS)

·        General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

·        Devolved Budgeting in Adults

·        Management and Stock Control Relating to the Smart Lights Project


Members were invited to pose any questions to officers in relation to the report, with the following points raised:-


Concerns were voiced in terms of the Smartlight project and whether the timescale outlined was achievable. Members were informed that an update report on this issue would be presented to the July meeting of the Audit Committee.


With regard to Income management and Direct Payments, Members looked for assurance that this was being adequately dealt with and that monies were being collected. Officers reported that this was an extremely complex issue, but training had been implemented, and the issues had been identified. Each recovery case was dealt with on an individual basis, but payment could not be recovered from a Council administered account if an individual was not in credit and therefore was not a simple process to achieve.


Members of the Committee raised concerns in terms of the Corporate Risk Register and whether this was an accurate reflection of issues arising throughout the Council. However, it was reported that it was important to acknowledge that more items would be included on this in the future, as it was aiming to become more pro-active in its approach. It was intended that it wasn’t to be seen as a weakness if an issue was included on this, and more that it was actively challenging areas. The organisation needed to become more pro-active as a whole, and encompassing risk within its revised Resource Management arrangements would ensure that it was moving at greater speed and improving and progressing at a more positive rate.


            RESOLVED that


1)     The draft Annual Governance Statement be approved; and


2)     Following the agreement of the draft Annual Governance Statement it be noted that the Mayor and Chief Executive be asked to sign this prior to its publication along with  the Statement of Accounts.

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