Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board Outcomes Framework 2018-2021: June 2018 Update


The Board received an update on the outcomes framework for the Health and Wellbeing Board which allows the Board to drive delivery and be sighted on the key outcomes and indicators identified as important for the Board and links into the outcomes identified as part of the plan for the borough – Doncaster Growing Together (DGT).


The report detailed the feedback taken from the March meeting which enhanced the framework specifically:-


·         Adding in clear directional arrows on the Outcome Framework Summary page to a give a sense of journey and progress and the introduction of a new key to help clarity; and


·         The report also focusses in on a cell within the outcomes framework to support the boards role to identify ‘hotspots’ and consider a response.


Members of the Board were also presented with Appendix A which provided a specific report on one of the cells; Prevention: Living Well.


Following the update, the Board made the following comments:-


·         Whilst in other areas gaps seem to be closing, in relation to smoking prevalence there was still some way to go to close the gap. The Vice-Chair, Dr Crichton stated that Hospitals had been approached to undertake an agreement to sign up to the smoking cessation service. It was further acknowledged that hospitals are smoke free within the inpatients and within the detox unit work had been carried out nationally in introduce the use of disposable e-cigarettes. However there was a balance of safety required when dealing with violent patients. The Board were also advised that there were challenges and encouragement is given to patients to attend the detox unit. However, some patients refuse as they are unable to smoke in the unit.


·         In relation to how the Board could help, it was stated that commitment was required for partner organisations to re-committing to the Tobacco Declaration which would help to reduce smoking prevalence in Doncaster.


·         With regard to Outcome Indicator 2 on page 77 of the report, it was reported to the Board that the Department of Health had written to DMBC on the issue of parental partnership on alcohol abuse and the need to support children and parents who suffer from alcohol abuse. It was suggested that it could be useful to liaise with Probation Services and the CPS regarding Court Orders as it could be considered as domestic abuse.


·         Rupert Suckling made a general comment in relation to what he thought would be the biggest challenge in having the resources to provide support. It was stated that 1 in 6 residents were supported by Health and Social Care services so maximising the opportunity to make every contact count could have a large population impact.


·         A question was raised with regard to the Workplace Charter and who  had signed up to it. It was reported that this was a national charter and predominantly associated with large organisations with a dozen organisations working on it. Work is underway to develop a South Yorkshire Charter with better usability for small and medium sized enterprises.


·         Councillor Nuala Fennelly wished to highlight that schools were now signed up to the ‘Daily Mile’ initiative which had proved very successful within the Boroughs Junior Schools.


·         Board Members were also pleased to see the introduction of colour within Appendix B of the report which showed a much clearer picture.


·         In conclusion, it was suggested that in relation to Outcome Indicator 3, it would be beneficial to look across the range of outcome measures to identify where there were links and if there was a particular prevalence in certain geographical locations.


RESOLVED that the performance information contained within the Health and Wellbeing Board Outcomes Framework particularly the Prevention/Living well data be noted.

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