Agenda item

Learning Provision and Organisation - Update


Further to the issues considered at the meeting on 5th March, 2018 the Panel gave consideration to a progress report relating to effective delivery of high quality learning provision in response to local pressures and demand for learning places across Doncaster.


The Panel was made aware of the discussions with each school pyramid and groups of headteachers, to provide high quality learning provision across the borough.  Feedback and information on designed plans would be assessed over the summer holidays prior to the areas of development being proposed in the autumn term.


Safeguarding and Access Fund – the Panel was pleased to learn about the projects provided to schools through this funding.


School Exclusions – Members expressed concern with regard to school exclusions, particularly for those children and young people who were dealing with complex family behaviours and stressed the need to ensure good quality places in schools were available across the borough. 


With regard to Pupil Referral Units, it was recognised that the needs of young people were often inappropriately met and some pupils needed to be in a specialist setting. 


The Panel acknowledged that school practice was challenged with a key focus of attendance and fixed term exclusions with Ofsted taking the stance that they would directly challenge schools in it’s inspection process.  The Local Authority was also working with the Regional Schools Commissioner to address the position.


It was noted that school attendance/exclusion policies were very broad across the school spectrum but it is stressed that schools need to maintain a learning environment with a robust behaviour policy.  The use of exclusion may be required however and early intervention to improve standards was essential.


Members wished for the exact numbers of children and young people who had been excluded and also bearing in mind earlier discussions were interested in learning if there was any direct correlation between young people excluded from school and whether they were being supported through the Youth Offending Service.  Member requested if a case study could be provided relating to this issue.


Quality of school places – it was acknowledged that parents tend to move into areas or provide travel to where there were good school placements, but Members expressed concern that not all parents were able to do this and that quality placements must be provided across the whole Borough.


It was explained that it was the Council’s priority to ensure that all children and young people achieve their potential with admission and transport policies supporting this.  The Authority and partners were now also taking a long term approach by looking at individual area plans, pyramid by pyramid to meet the need of locality rather than just building another classroom on a school.



Resolved that:


1.     The discussion be noted;

2.     The number of permanent exclusions for 17/18 to be provided to Members;

3.     A case study(ies) be provided to a future meeting relating to the correlation between non-school attendance and crime of young people who were known to the YOS – case studies to be addressed at a future meeting (DMBC/Trust).

4.     An annual review of progress be provided to the Panel.


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