Agenda item

To receive the minutes of the following Joint Authorities.


A.        Sheffield City Region Combined Authority held on 25th March, 2019.


B.      Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership Board held on 4th March, 2019.


C.      South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority held on 11th February and 8th April, 2019.


D.      South Yorkshire Pensions Authority Local Pension Board held on 18th April, 2019.


E.      South Yorkshire Pensions Authority held on 14th March, 2019.


F.      South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel held on 4th February and 1st April, 2019.


G.      Team Doncaster Strategic Partnership held on 15th January, 26th February and 16th April, 2019.


Neil Concannon, Deputy Monitoring Officer,drew Members attention to an inaccuracy in relation to paragraph 6, of Minute No.11, (page 570 of the agenda papers) of the Minutes of the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority (SYFRA) held on 8th April 2019, which referred to ‘Askern’ rather than ‘Aston Park’.  The Deputy Monitoring Officer reported that Councillor Charlie Hogarth, as one of the Council representatives who served on the SYFRA (Joint Authority), had already asked for this inaccuracy to be corrected at a subsequent meeting of the SYFRA on 24th June, 2019, and the minutes of that meeting would be reported to the next ordinary meeting of Full Council. The Deputy Monitoring Officer confirmed that this was the correct procedure to follow for dealing with such an issue.  He also confirmed that all minutes of Outside Bodies presented to Full Council, were for information only and clarified that Members were not being asked to either approve or endorse the minutes in any way.


With regard to the minutes of the SYFRA held on 8th April, 2019, a debate was held in respect of the development of a new Integrated Risk Management Plan as a consequence of the removal of the Close Proximity Crewing System.  Members expressed their concerns with regard to the statements made by the Chief Fire Officer relating to the subsequent impact on the budget cuts required to the Service and how these could be realistically achieved.  In response, the Deputy Monitoring Officer reiterated that the Minutes of the SYFRA were submitted to Council for information purposes only, Council was not being requested to endorse the minutes and the concerns expressed by Members would be noted in the minutes of Full Council.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 18.11(f), the meeting stood adjourned at 4.40 p.m. and reconvened on this day at 5.09 p.m.


Following an adjournment and reconvening of proceedings, it was Moved and Seconded that the Council was concerned about potential inaccuracies within the minutes of the SYFRA held on 8th April, 2019, and therefore, resolved to not note the minutes.  It was also agreed that all future Doncaster Council Full Council Agendas clearly specify that minutes from Joint Authorities were for information and not endorsement.  On being put to the meeting, the Motion was declared Carried.




(1)          the minutes of the following Joint Authorities be noted:-


A.        Sheffield City Region Combined Authority held on 25th March, 2019.


B.      Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership Board held on 4th March, 2019.


C.     South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority held on 11th February, 2019.


D.     South Yorkshire Pensions Authority Local Pension Board held on 18th April, 2019.


E.      South Yorkshire Pensions Authority held on 14th March, 2019.


F.      South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel held on 4th February and 1st April, 2019.


G.     Team Doncaster Strategic Partnership held on 15th January, 26th February and 16th April, 2019.


(2)      this Council is concerned about potential inaccuracies within the minutes of the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority held on 8th April, 2019, and therefore, do not note these minutes.  We require all Doncaster Council Full Council Agendas to clearly specify that minutes from Joint Authorities are for information and not endorsement.

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