Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board Outcomes Framework 2018-21: November 2018 Update


The Board received an update on the outcomes framework for the Health and Wellbeing Board which allowed the Board to drive delivery and be sighted on the key outcomes and indicators identified as important for the Board and linked into the outcomes identified as part of the plan for the borough – Doncaster Growing Together (DGT).  The report provided a specific view of the new information available since the last Board update in June 2018, and also provided further detail on the Wellbeing and Prevention strands of the outcomes framework.


It was noted that a portal was to be developed on Pentana, a cloud based performance management system, to enhance the outcomes framework, which Board Members would be able to access and use to check progress.  It was reported that a range of indicators had been updated since the last update in June 2018, either with specific updated information for Doncaster or with refreshed national inequalities data, the detail of which was outlined in Appendix B to the report.


During subsequent discussion on the performance indicators in relation to Wellbeing and Prevention, the Board made the following comments/observations:-


  • During discussion on the ‘Life Satisfaction Survey’ indicator, Paul Tanney explained that St Leger Homes had conducted a tenants’ satisfaction survey, which had found that tenant satisfaction levels dropped in areas where there were particular problems with anti-social behaviour, substance misuse, and higher rates of crime, so in these cases the dissatisfaction was less about housing and more related to other external conditions and factors, which resulted in having a negative impact on people’s wellbeing.


  • It was agreed that it would be useful to have comparative performance information to assist the Board in gauging how Doncaster compared to its peer groups.


  • With regard to the indicator for ‘Prevalence of smoking among persons 18 years and over’, Dr Rupert Suckling referred to a recent ‘Tackling Tobacco Dependency in Hospital Settings’ event organised by the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS which had looked at the proposed adoption of a quit programme which was to be introduced across the region and was aimed at giving hospital patients who were smokers a more focussed intervention.  It was noted that this indicator only related to the use of tobacco products, and did not include the use of vaporisers and electronic cigarettes.


  • During discussion on the performance indicator relating to cancer mortality rate (<75), Dr David Crichton offered to provide a future update for members of the Board on the work being done by the Cancer Alliance.  He stated that it was pleasing to note that the cancer mortality rates were flattening, given that statistics showed that one in two people born since the early 1960s would be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives.


  • Dr Rupert Suckling pointed out, with regard to the indicator on mortality rates for cardiovascular disease, that the work in this area lacked the infrastructure that was in place for other conditions, such as cancer, making it more difficult to have a clear overview of the work being undertaken on a local level across the Borough and there was a need for the partners represented on the Board to be clear about what each was doing in this respect.


  • In referring to the indicator concerned with ‘percentage of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like’, the Chair, Councillor Rachael Blake, stated that she had recently attended a seminar on tackling isolation and loneliness.  She felt that there was a need to focus, in particular, on long term isolation, and it was important that different levels of service were provided in order to meet different people’s needs.  The Board was also informed that Doncaster Council’s Public Health team was linking up with Sheffield University’s Centre for Loneliness Studies to look at what has worked elsewhere, measurement tools and sharing good practice.


  • In discussing the indicator for the percentage of eligible adults aged 65+ who have received the flu vaccine, the Board acknowledged the importance of prioritising staff working in the social care sector to ensure service continuity.  It was also noted that there had been national supply problems with the flu vaccine for people aged 65 and over, with deliveries being staggered due to there being only one supplier.


  • The Board recognised the importance of looking at the trends behind the various indicators and analysing the source data.


  • Paul Tanney advised that St Leger Homes of Doncaster were happy to provide the data from tenant surveys to help inform the work carried out in relation to the Board’s Outcomes Framework.


The Board then discussed specific performance areas worthy of more detailed consideration, and Dr Rupert Suckling undertook to liaise with Allan Wiltshire, Head of Policy and Partnerships to identify those items that were more appropriate for future Board meetings, and those items more suited to a HWB workshop session, and programme these into the Board’s Forward Plan.




(1)        to note the performance information contained within the Health and Wellbeing Board Outcomes Framework, particularly the Wellbeing and Prevention areas; and


(2)        that the Officers be asked to identify those items that are more appropriate for future Board meetings, and those items more suited to a HWB workshop session, and programme these into the Board’s Forward Plan.


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