Agenda item

Attendance Strategy Update


The purpose of this document was to provide the Panel with an update of the Attendance Strategy which had been previously discussed early 2018.  Members were reminded that the original Attendance Strategy document came about as a consequence of Cabinet’s consideration of the trends in school absence in Doncaster.


The Panel discussed the following areas;


Home-schooling - A Member raised concern that children being home-schooled were potentially those children who were being excluded and therefore this presented an easy option for those parents affected.  Members were reminded that there were cultural reasons behind some children being home-schooled.  It was also acknowledged that some parents had certain opinions around mainstream schooling and that there were clusters of movement taking place around the country. 


It was questioned how it was known whether home-schooled children were safe.  Members were assured that there were systems and processes in place and that steps were being taken to actively challenge the landscape of provision. 


Fixed Term Rate Exclusions – It was explained that figures were based on information from the first two terms of last year, which was all the data that was immediately available.  It was noted that the rate of increase had slowed down in comparison with national rates.  It was added that the HMI report used exclusions for the whole year in arrears where nationally we was 2nd from the bottom. An offer was made by the Director of People to circulate a report on a termly basis in arrears to Members of the Panel commencing end of January 2019.


It was commented that absence was a proxy for other needs that were not being met and that was the purpose behind the strategy.


Members had been informed that attendance was one of the three strands from the work of the Doncaster Growing Together inclusion board which provided overall governance for the strategy.  It was explained that it was strongly correlated with the work of the Social Mobility Opportunity Area.


Engagement with Schools - A Member questioned whether all schools were fully engaging with the strategy.  It was responded that although they weren’t that was due to the system and the way that some schools interacted with it.  Schools had been challenged around existing approaches to attendance and a common approach to leading attendance in Doncaster schools had been developed. It was explained that there were conflicting views around behaviour provided by schools and Ofsted.


Members were informed that the Director of People had attended a recent Secondary Heads meeting and had presented a challenge around the rate of increase that will see Doncaster exceed 2018/19 numbers.


It was added that the Director of People had also allocated 18 half days to allow them to understand problems around behaviour at each individual school using the national inclusion quality mark to check against.   It was added that presently there were no schools that had been accredited with the quality mark. 


Members were informed that there was a challenge in place for schools to sign up to Opportunity Areas Inclusion Charter in reducing fixed term exclusions across the borough.  It was explained that Opportunity Areas would follow by supporting those schools that had signed up. 


It was explained that the Regional Schools Commissioner had the accountability to ensure that academies were delivering against the statutory guidance in place.  It was added that although the Council did not have the power to convene academies they were able to bring them to the attention of the Regional Schools Commissioner. It was noted that in accordance with the 2010 Localism Act it was possible to write to the Chairs and Chief Executives of academy trusts to positively engage with them through requesting a meeting.


In addition to the above, Members were made aware of the following;


·         That consideration would be provided to standards of behaviour and attendance figures at the next trust meeting.


·         Timpson Review – That recent reviews undertaken by the Government around school exclusions contained a deep personal commitment outlining some challenging areas, and alongside Ofsted was reviewing the framework.


·         Big Picture Model – That there was a need to expand the Big Picture Model to include a more inclusive curriculum and maximise all outcomes for all children.


·         Reference was made to a local authority that published their performance league tables for attendance and inclusion report figures within the public domain. Members suggested that Doncaster could also do this and was informed that the information was already published as part of a report brought to Cabinet on an annual basis. 


The Ward Member for Adwick welcomed a deep dive into specific issues around attendance and behaviour at Outwood Academy at Adwick and Danum.  In view of learning more about those Members who were also School Governors, the Director of People offered to circulate a list of them to the Panel for information.


RESOLVED that the Panel note the report.


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