Agenda item

Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2017-18


John Woodhouse, Chair of the Adult Safeguarding Board presented his 2017/18 Annual Report, detailing highlights and progress within the service provided.  He outlined that there was now full engagement from all partners and with regard to weaknesses it was stressed that lessons continued to be learned.


The Panel was pleased to note that the Safeguarding Board had been working with the community based Doncaster Keeping Safe Forum, helping it to grow in capacity and membership with the primary aim of getting the message out in Doncaster that abuse will not be tolerated.


Monitoring achievements and outcomes – in response to challenge from Members, it was stressed that this was an example of reporting that does not show the exact position.  For example, a persons outcomes could be met and improved but when asked if they felt safe, they did not, therefore this has been drawn to the attention of supporting services to address.


It was noted that comparative data with other authorities was difficult to report due to the different systems in operation however, this was an issue that Safeguarding Board chairs nationally were addressing.


Underspend – it was explained to the Panel that the underspend related to a vacancy in the unit, the role of which was being reviewed and developed.  It was noted that there was also additional spending required on the number of safeguarding reviews undertaken in the forthcoming year.


Future reporting mechanisms – It was recognised that the Safeguarding Board seeks to improve engagement with the wider community and that it was learning lessons about new communication mechanisms used by young people, through the Children’s Safeguarding Board. 


Members were delighted with the informative written report but highlighted that they were aware of reports being developed in the form of a video.  The Panel was of the opinion that this could reach more people, particularly through modern technology avenues. 


Criminal networks – Bearing in mind the complexities with issues such as county lines and cuckooing where vulnerable adults could be targeted, it was noted that it was the role of the Safeguarding Board to ensure that all agencies worked together ensuring all residents were safe.  Next years Annual Report would detail work being undertaken by the Adults and Children and Young People Safeguarding Boards on this theme.


With regard to human trafficking there was confidence that partners would be able to respond, if presented with the issue. 


The Chair took the opportunity to remind the Panel that the Crime and Disorder Committee would be meeting on 13th February, at 10am when Scrutiny would address a number of Community Safety priorities.


Partnership Training – It was confirmed that the Adult Safeguarding Board did not undertake training for partners/Board Members, as there was an expectation that they bring with them a level of safeguarding expertise and knowledge, and its role was to ensure that the different sectors understood each organisations/partners role.  For Example, the contribution from South Yorkshire Police was essential which enabled all partners to understand, as mentioned above, complexities with some safeguarding issues.


Community led support hubs – Members supported this initiative and stressed that it was a positive avenue where the community could share their experiences.  Officers were informed that Members were being approach about the support service offered.  Unfortunately statistics to highlight success were not available, however, it was stressed there was a massive benefit to using the local approach, being able to intervene at a pre-safeguarding position, providing early referral and teasing out information from residents that they may not think is relevant to a situation.  It was highlighted that the Adult Services Peer Review had identified two service area strengths as continual investment in community teams and early intervention.


GDPR – it was noted that an individual agreement has been made between partners relating to the use of personal information including the sharing of information if someone could find themselves in a harmful position, which has been communicated to all staff.


In response to the comments relating to malicious information about members of staff whether it be the Local Authority or a partner, it was explained that people undertake difficult roles and staff must be provided with a safe environment to work effectively.


The Chair thanked John Woodhouse for attending the meeting and answering Members questions.


RESOLVED that:  consideration be given to the possible production of the Annual Report in a video format.



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