Agenda item

Outcomes Framework - Deep Dive: Dementia


The Board received a joint presentation by Stephen Emmerson (Head of Strategy & Delivery – Mental Health and Dementia, DCCG) and Louise Robson (Public Health Theme Lead, Working Age & Healthy Lives, DMBC) which provided an update on the progress being made in the Dementia area of focus and the areas for future development.


In summarising progress against the four areas of focus, Stephen Emmerson and Louise Robson highlighted the following points:


  • Diagnosis, Referral Pathways and Care Planning – it was noted that work was underway in reviewing whether diagnosis was being carried out properly.  A deep dive exercise would be undertaken to look at how systems currently operated, what worked well and what did not work so well, together with examples of best practice elsewhere.  With regard to referral pathways, the ambition was to reduce the Referral to Treatment waiting time from 10 to 6 weeks.  In relation to Care Planning, it was noted that performance was currently poor compared with the national statistics, and that this area would be addressed as part of the planned Deep Dive exercise.


  • Post diagnostic care and support – an Accountable Care Partnership had been established in order to bring the various partners together in providing post diagnostic care and support.


  • Physical Urgent and Emergency Care – it was reported that there were some positive trends and results showing in this area, with reductions in deaths within 3 days of admission and also in the total number of deaths within hospital for people with dementia.  The average length of stay in hospital had also reduced compared to the previous year.


  • Raise awareness, reduce stigma and proactively promote prevention – the Board noted the various awareness raising initiatives being carried out, which included:


o   Embedding dementia prevention messages in the local NHS health checks programme;

o   Co-ordinating dementia awareness campaigns throughout the year and the annual dementia awareness week;

o   Maintaining and developing local resources such as a Directory of Dementia Services in Doncaster, a ‘Reduce Your Risk’ leaflet, and a Dementia Roadmap website;

o   Working with Home Instead around the Dementia Alliance (local businesses), Dementia awards and engagement with the local Dementia Forum (Donmentia); and

o   Promoting the Dementia Friends initiative and supporting the ‘In the Moment’ dementia bid.  Regarding the ‘In the Moment’ project, Lucy Robertshaw stated that she would arrange for details of the programme of creative activities being run by darts, Cast and Heritage Services for adults living with dementia and their families in Doncaster to be circulated to Board Members for their information.


During subsequent discussion, the Board acknowledged that much of the work being undertaken in the Dementia area of focus also contributed positively towards the prevention/treatment of other conditions.  It was recognised that some people were in denial of having conditions such as dementia and it could be a difficult issue for relatives to address in these situations, particularly in terms of persuading the person to seek help and support.  The officers explained that it was hoped that the work being carried out in this area would help with early diagnosis and provide the necessary support to people with dementia and their families.  They added that the key was in raising awareness and ensuring that the support services were open and responsive.


After the Board had agreed to support and help promote the Dementia Friendly initiatives being undertaken, it was


                     RESOLVED to:-


(1)          acknowledge the progress made in this area of focus and the areas of future development; and


(2)          support and promote the Dementia Friendly initiatives currently underway.


Supporting documents: