Issue - decisions

AHWB.054.2019 - Day Opportunities

10/12/2019 - AHWB.054.2019 - Day Opportunities

To seek approval to award a contract(s) following a tendering exercise for a contract period of 2 years only for the provision of Day Opportunities.

The contract value is as follows:-
£143k for Lot 1 Sandal Wood Centre, Wheatley Hills for year 1 and £100k for year two £143k for Lot 2 Moathills Centre, Bentley for year 1 and £100k for year two.

Tenders can submit an application for one lot or both lots.

This ODR is in line with the following Adults Health and Wellbeing Commissioning 2018/19 Cabinet Report (27th March 2018) approved recommendations:

• Delegation of authority to agree and sign off commissioning recommendations, to the Director of People (subsequently amended to the Director of Adults Health & Wellbeing), or nominated deputy, as the work plan is progressed.
• Delegation of award of contracts to the Director of People (subsequently amended to the Director of Adults Health & Wellbeing) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care.