Issue - decisions

PH 16/2019 Get Doncaster Moving – Active Communities Grants

07/01/2020 - PH 16/2019 Get Doncaster Moving – Active Communities Grants

To allocate £150,000 to an Active Communities Grants Scheme, where individuals, groups and organisations are able to apply for up to £500. The scheme will start on 16/12/19, and will be open until the investment has been allocated (scheduled 31/3/21). Four locality panels will assess applications and provide recommendations to Sport England and the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure and Culture who will make a formal decision.

This Officer Decision Record is following the approval by Cabinet on the 23.09.19 to receive £1.8m from Sport England to maximise opportunities from the Local Delivery Pilot and delegate to Director of Public Health in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and the relevant portfolio holder to ensure spend is in accordance with the bid and to undertake the accountable body role.