
Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the council's decision making bodies since 22 May 2015. If you wish to search for decisions prior to this date please use the search function under Search agendas, minutes and reports.

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Decisions published

29/09/2024 - 2024/41/PH/CityCentreStrategy Developing a new City Centre Strategy: Phase 2: Masterplan Refresh ref: 3206    Recommendations Approved

On 17th July Cabinet approved a report on the creation of the new city centre strategy which included the
approval of the recommendations:
1. “approval to proceed with a new single City Centre Strategy up to 2050. This will incorporate a new vision for the centre.
2. approval to accept £200,000 of LTPfT capacity funding and submit a LTPfT proposal to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) outlining a 10-year plan for the
city, as well as a more detailed 3-year investment plan which details the immediate interventions planned for 2024-2027, and The City Centre we see today has been shaped by the Urban Centre
Masterplan launched in 2016. In response to a number of Government initiatives, City of Doncaster Council also have a mosaic of additional masterplans, including the Town Investment
Plan (2021), Waterfront Master planning, etc. and these are supplemented by service delivery plans and ‘business as usual’ work, including initiatives like Regenerative Neighbourhoods.

Decision Maker: Service Director Policy, Insight and Change

Decision published: 09/10/2024

Effective from: 29/09/2024


This ODR seeks approval to allocate up to XXXXX of the Long Term Plan for Towns capacity funding to fund the appointment of a partner to support the council to undertake the second phase of the
development of the new City Centre Strategy. The second phase will include the production of a refreshed City Centre Masterplan
The appointment of the partner will be undertaken in accordance with the councils contract procedure rules, working with Corporate Procurement Team.

Lead officer: Lee Tillman

03/10/2024 - CYP O24251021Supported Accommodation and Floating Support service for Young Children, Young People and Families or Parents to be. ref: 3205    Recommendations Approved

This decision is being taken under delegated authority following the Exec decision taken by the Cabinet Member for Early Help, Education, Skills and Young People on 4th March 2024 to
undertake a full tender exercise for this provision and to delegate the award of the contract.
Following the review of the current service the findings concluded that there was still a need in Doncaster for supported accommodation and floating support for children, young people, and families in Doncaster.
Housing and tenancy support need is on the increase due to real-life cost of living pressures facing many families in Doncaster right now. Housing support is one of the top three presenting needs for Your Family Teams and there is an increasing number of children, young people and families who are presenting as homeless and being placed in temporary accommodation.
The qualitative and quantitative data, service user engagement and feedback and a full contract monitoring analysis show the successful impact these services have had in supporting our children,
young people, and families to thrive, reach their full potential and support the delivery of the local borough strategies

Decision Maker: Service Director Partnership, Early Intervention and Localities

Decision published: 09/10/2024

Effective from: 03/10/2024


To award and finalise the contract for the Supported Accommodation and Floating Support service for Young Children, Young People and Families or Parents to YWCA for a contract value of £420,000 per annum commencing on 01/09/2024 for an initial period of 3 years with 2 x 12-month extensions available subject to performance and funding following a compliant tendering procedure.

Lead officer: Bergona Hernandez

02/10/2024 - 2024/39/PH/Housingretrofit Housing Retrofit – Gainshare Funding Award ref: 3202    Recommendations Approved

The Gainshare funding award of £2.7m represents the sixth successful funding bid for housing retrofit since 2020-21. Since the production of the cabinet report in 2023 there have been some changes to the funding split as detailed below. The changes have been made to align the project with the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF)– Wave 2 delivery programme.

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 02/10/2024


To accept the funding award and enter into a funding agreement for £2.7m from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Gainshare programme as per the approved delegation in the 6
th December 2023 Cabinet report.

Lead officer: Beverley Rosso

23/07/2024 - O24251014 Independent Reviewer Consulting 12/6/2024 ref: 3200    Recommendations Approved

The City of Doncaster Council requires a suitably qualified and experienced
independent reviewer to carry out initially one Adult Safeguarding Practice Review (SAR) and two Child Safeguarding Practice Review’s (CSPR) therefore a decision is required to find a suitably qualified reviewer for consultancy.

Decision Maker: Service Director Childrens Social Care

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


To direct award Review Consulting to complete initially 2 x CSPRs and 1 x SAR, with a potential of 1 additional review therefore it is
required to commission an agency to provide quality independent reviewers to complete the reviews within a time sensitive period.

Lead officer: Dean Mangham

25/10/2024 - PLACE23 0888-Request to purchase 26 Blue Bell Court, Blaxton, Doncaster, DN9 3BD – 3 Bedroom Semi Detached property for purchase via the Acquisitions Scheme. ref: 3199    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken
by the Council, the properties are brought in to housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties including 2 & 3 bedroom general let homes which acts as a key driver in the process and forms the basis for acquisitions in many areas across Doncaster where there is an under supply of properties.
The Housing Needs Survey suggests that this property is situated in an area of high demand.
There are also already several other properties that form part of Council housing stock on the same street and is envisaged will be utilised as a general need property.
The four-year capital budget (2023/24-2026/27) approved on 27th February 2023 included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far as possible
that all housing needs are met.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 25/10/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of 26 Blue Bell Court, Blaxton, Doncaster, DN9 3BD.
The purchase price is £167,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be £10-15k to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to standard.

Lead officer: Mark Orford

24/06/2024 - PLACE24 1022- Request to purchase 116 Hirst Gate, Mexborough, S64 0DP – 3 bedroom Semidetached property for purchase via the Acquisitions Sche ref: 3198    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the
programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought into housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger
Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties, including 3 bedroom general let properties in many areas across
Doncaster where there is an under supply of this type of property.
Choice Based Lettings bidding data within the last financial year (Q2 – Q4 incl.) has been a consideration for this purchase. This indicates an average of 111 bids for 3 bedroomed properties in Mexborough, including a dwelling on the same street, suggesting a strong demand
in the area.
The property is within an area and proximity to a number of existing council dwellings on the same street and is envisaged will be utilised as a general need property.
The four-year capital budget (2023/24-2026/27) approved on 27th February 2023 included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far as possible
that all housing needs are met.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 24/06/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of 116 Hirst Gate, Mexborough, S64 0DP.
The purchase price is £105,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be £12,000 – £14,000k to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to standard.

Lead officer: Mark Orford

24/06/2024 - PLACE24 1021-Request to purchase 18 Laburnum Grove, Conisbrough, DN12 2JW – 3 Bedroom Semi-Detached property for purchase via the Acquisitions Scheme. ref: 3197    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the
programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought in to housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties including 3-bedroom homes in many areas across Doncaster where there is an under supply of properties.
The Housing Needs Survey suggests that this property is situated in an area of need. The property is within proximity to existing council dwellings and is envisaged it will be utilised as a general need property.
The four-year capital budget (2023/24-2026/27) approved on 27th February 2023 included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far as possible
that all housing needs are met.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 24/06/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of 18 Laburnum Grove, Conisbrough, DN12 2JW.
The purchase price is £105,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be in between £12,000 - £14,000 to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to

Lead officer: Mark Orford

24/06/2024 - PLACE24 1017-Request to purchase 26 Beech Crescent, Stainforth, DN7 5EW – 3 bedroom end-of-terrace property for purchase via the Acquisitions Scheme. ref: 3196    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the
programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought into housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger
Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties, including 3 bedroom general let properties in many areas across Doncaster where there is an under supply of this type of property.
Choice Based Lettings bidding data within the last financial year (Q2 – Q4 incl.) has been a consideration for this purchase. This indicates an average of 81 bids for 3 bedroomed properties
in Stainforth, including a dwelling on the same street, suggesting a strong demand in the area.
The property is within an area and proximity to a number of existing council dwellings on the same street and is envisaged will be utilised as a general need property.
The four-year capital budget (2023/24-2026/27) approved on 27th February 2023 included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far as possible that all housing needs are met

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 24/06/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of 26 Beech Crescent, Stainforth, Dn7 5EW.
The purchase price is £100,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be £18,000 – £20,000k to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to standard.

Lead officer: Mark Orford

24/06/2024 - PLACE24 1014 Request to purchase 183 South Street, Highfields, DN6 7JH – 3 Bedroom Semi-Detached property for purchase via the Acquisitions Scheme. ref: 3195    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought in to housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties including 3-bedroom homes in many areas across Doncaster where there is an under supply of properties.
The Housing Needs Survey suggests that this property is situated in an area of need. The property is within proximity to existing council dwellings and is envisaged it will be utilised as a general need property.
The four-year capital budget (2023/24-2026/27) approved on 27th February 2023 included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far as possible that all housing needs are met.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 24/06/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of 183 South Street, Highfields, DN6 7JH.
The purchase price is £95,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be in between £25,000 - £30,000 to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to

Lead officer: Mark Orford

01/05/2024 - PLACE 24 0991 Request to purchase 76 Briar Road, Armthorpe, DN3 2DL – 4 Bedroom SemiDetached property for purchase via the Acquisitions Scheme. ref: 3194    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the
programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought in to housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger
Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties including 4-bedroom homes in many areas across Doncaster where there is an under supply of properties.
The Housing Needs Survey suggests that this property is situated in an area of need. The property is within proximity to existing council dwellings and is envisaged it will be utilised as a
general need property.

Decision Maker: Service Director Economy and Development

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 01/05/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of 76 Briar Road, Armthorpe, DN3 2DL.
The purchase price is £205,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be in between £8,000 - £10,000 to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to

Lead officer: Mark Orford

01/05/2024 - PLACE24 0990-Request to purchase,7 Poplar Road, Skellow, DN6 8AR – 3 Bedroom SemiDetached property for purchase via the Acquisitions Schem ref: 3193    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the
programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought in to housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties including 3-bedroom homes in many areas across Doncaster where
there is an under supply of properties.
The Housing Needs Survey suggests that this property is situated in an area of need. The property is within proximity to existing council dwellings and is envisaged it will be utilised as a general need property.
The four-year capital budget (2023/24-2026/27) approved on 27th February 2023 included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far as possible that all housing needs are met.

Decision Maker: Service Director Economy and Development

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 01/05/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of 7 Poplar Road, Skellow, DN6 8AR.
The purchase price is £120,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be in between £15,000 - £20,000 to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to

Lead officer: Mark Orford

22/02/2024 - PLACE24 0953 Request to purchase 206 Wheatley Hall Road, Wheatley, DN2 4NA – 3 bedroom terraced property for purchase via the Acquisitions Scheme. ref: 3192    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the
programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought into housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
The purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties, including 3-bedroom properties in many areas across Doncaster where there is an under supply of properties. The Housing Needs Survey suggests that this property is situated in an area of need.
This property has been identified as one of the 3 bedroomed properties requested as part of the Ukrainian and Afghanistan resettlement scheme and is considered an appropriate property to
meet requirements.
The four-year capital budget (2023/24-2026/27) approved on 27th February 2023 included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far as possible that all housing needs are met.
Additional match funding from DLUHC (round 2) has been identified to facilitate the purchase of 10 properties to provide housing for Ukrainian and Afghanistan Refugees. This purchase will
follow the same criteria and process although will be allocated in a separate manner for at least 4 years before being integrated into general let stock.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 22/02/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of 206 Wheatley Hall Road, Wheatley, DN2 4NA.
The purchase price is £115,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be between £15,000 - £17,000 to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to

Lead officer: Mark Orford

22/09/2023 - PLACE23 0868 Request to purchase Flat 19, Cherry Tree Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster, DN3 2HP – 2 bedroom flat for purchase via the Acquisitions Scheme. ref: 3191    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the
programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought in to housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger
Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties including 2 & 3 bedroom general let homes which acts as a key driver in the process and forms the basis for acquisitions in many areas across Doncaster where there is an under supply of properties.
The Housing Needs Survey suggests that this property is situated in an area of high demand.
There are also already several other properties that form part of Council housing stock on the same street, and the flat is situated within a building made up of two flats, of which the other is
already currently part of our council stock. It is envisaged that this will be utilised as a general needs property.
The four-year capital budget (2023/24-2026/27) approved on 27th February 2023 included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far as possible that all housing needs are met.

Decision Maker: Service Director Economy and Development

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 22/09/2023


To support the proposal for the purchase and repair of Flat 19, Cherry Tree Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster, DN3 2HP.
The purchase price is £69,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further investment costs to be £25,000 to ensure the property is fully modernised, and up to standard.

Lead officer: Mark Orford

08/06/2024 - EE23 0815- Request to purchase 66 Churchfield Road, Campsall – 2 bed semi-detached property for purchase via the Acquisitions Scheme ref: 3190    Recommendations Approved

In recent years the Council and St Leger Homes of Doncaster (SLHD) have been jointly involved with the delivery of a property acquisition programme. St Leger Homes currently administer the
programme on behalf of the Council in which property purchases and conveyance is undertaken by the Council, the properties are brought in to housing stock and are Council owned, St Leger
Homes then facilitate necessary repairs to appropriate standards and subsequently let and manage the property.
This purchase has been considered in line with the need to address the high demand for affordable rental properties including 2 & 3 bedroom general let homes but especially larger properties or those suitable for adaptations which acts as a key driver in the process and forms the basis for acquisitions in many areas across Doncaster where there is an under supply of properties.
We also consult with Doncaster Home Choice, and consider the criteria in order to meet the DLUHC funding requirements for housing Ukrainian and Afghan Refugees.
The approved four year capital budget 2023/24-2026/27 was approved on 27th February 2023 and included provision for acquisitions and buy backs of former Council homes, to ensure as far
as possible that all housing needs are met.
In addition additional match funding from DLUHC is identified to facilitate the purchase of 9 properties (5x3 bed and 4x4 bed) to provide housing for Ukrainian and Afghan Refugees which
whilst purchased using exactly same criteria and process, will be allocated in a separate manner for at least 4 years before being integrated in to general let stock.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Economy & Development

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 08/06/2024


To support the proposal for the purchase, 66 Churchfield Road, Campsall.
The purchase price is £130,000 and provisional inspections have estimated the further Housing Revenue Account investment costs to be approx. £8-10k to ensure the property is fully

Lead officer: Mark Orford

02/10/2024 - 2024/43/PH/ConditionSurveyMonies Condition survey and feasibility monies, Dearne valley, Adwick and Edlington leisure centre ref: 3201    Recommendations Approved

Since 2020, The City of Doncaster Council has embarked on an investment programme into the
leisure portfolio, addressing works in relation to health and safety and refurbishing the assets as
a direct outcome of closures. This work continues in 2024-2025 under a planned venue by venue approach, which has enabled business continuity for the Leisure Trust, however the stock ranges in age from 60 years old through to 25 years and facilities out of scope have now
reached a business-critical point.
Dearne Valley Leisure Centre has recently attracted funding via Sport England from the Government’s Swimming Pool Recovery fund. This allocation is primarily to address energy efficiency and sustainability elements of the venue, however as part of the research scope it is
apparent there are other elements of the venue that are nearing end of life or will impact business continuity within the next 18 months.
This would mean that the venue could close to the public for an extended period of time, preventing health and wellbeing programmes and placing additional revenue pressure on service delivery

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 02/10/2024


Allocate £75k from the Revenue Contribution to the Capital Programme reserve (ref 2014-10) to undertake condition surveys for Dearne Valley and Adwick Leisure Centres as well as further feasibility work for Edlington Pool development.

Lead officer: Andy Maddox

01/10/2024 - PH 38 2024 - Additional funding for the Adult Tobacco Dependency Treatment Service ref: 3189    Recommendations Approved

This decision follows previous approval to invest the additional smokefree grant funding in stop smoking services through maintaining existing services from the Public Health grant for stop
smoking services; build capacity to deliver expanded stop smoking services and build demand for stop smoking services.

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 01/10/2024

Effective from: 01/10/2024


To provide additional funding of £113,937 over the next 18 months to increase capacity within the Adult Tobacco Dependency Treatment Service and deliver additional quits to meet the smokefree generation targets. The intention is for the services contract to be varied (in
accordance with the contract provisions) in respect of the additional funding.

To provide additional funding of £100,000 over the next 18 months to increase the prescribing budget for the Adult Tobacco Dependency Treatment Service, to support the additional quits. This budget is held by the City of Doncaster Council and is paid directly to the current provider on receipt of invoice. The intention is for the services contract to be varied (in accordance with the contract provisions) in respect of the additional funding for the prescribing budget.

Lead officer: Victoria Shackleton

01/10/2024 - PH 40 2024 - Additional drug and alcohol nursing support at DRI ref: 3188    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR for details

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 01/10/2024

Effective from: 01/10/2024


To award a grant of £47k to DBTH for two fixed term band 6
nurses to 31/03/25 from the ring fenced supplemental misuse treatment and recovery grant. The posts will contribute to the future development of a drug and alcohol care team at DRI.

Lead officer: Andy Collins

27/09/2024 - PLACE24 1061 - Agreement to lease the former National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI) building. ref: 3187    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR for details

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 01/10/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024


To proceed with a lease of the former National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI) building to xxxxxxxxx for a term of 25 years.

Lead officer: Gillian Fairbrother

18/09/2024 - PH 37 2024 - Acceptance of Sport England Strategic capital fund monies to support refurbishment of Thorne Leisure Centre ref: 3186    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR for details

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 24/09/2024

Effective from: 18/09/2024


To accept grant funding award of £1.21m from Sport England Capital Fund to support refurbishment of Thorne leisure Centre including:
• wellbeing studios
• Consultation space
• dry side changing rooms
• 55 station gym

Lead officer: Andy Maddox

23/07/2024 - O24251014 - Independent Reviewer Consulting ref: 3185    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR for details

Decision Maker: Service Director Childrens Social Care

Decision published: 24/09/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


To direct award Review Consulting to complete initially 2 x CSPRs and 1 x SAR, with a potential of 1 additional review therefore it is
required to commission an agency to provide quality independent reviewers to complete the reviews within a time sensitive period.

Lead officer: Dean Mangham

13/09/2024 - PLACE24 1051 - South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Hotspot Patrolling Grant Funding ref: 3184    Recommendations Approved

As a result of securing funding from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for the financial year 2023/24, this allowed the CDC to undertake additional dedicated patrols of hotspot locations, to combat low level crime and anti-social behaviour and having a visible
presence in each area to provide public reassurance and improve confidence.

Following on from the success of the patrols in 2023/24, further funding has been identified for the financial year 2024/25 from the SY MCA for additional patrols in hotspot locations identified by South Yorkshire Police (£50K) with a further (£20K) to be spent on problem-solving interventions again in identified hotspot areas and subject to agreement from the SY MCA and South Yorkshire Police. The total value of the funding is £70k.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 24/09/2024

Effective from: 13/09/2024


To approve the receipt of grant funding from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SY MCA) which enables the City of Doncaster Council (CDC) to undertake dedicated patrols and initiatives in identified anti-social behaviour hotspot locations across Doncaster.

Lead officer: Bill Hotchkiss

10/09/2024 - PH 36 2024 - Entering into contract with Pedal Ready to allow them to deliver cycling services as part of the Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot in Balby ref: 3183    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR for details

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 24/09/2024

Effective from: 10/09/2024


To enter into a contract with Pedal Ready to deliver cycling services as part of the Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot in Balby.

Lead officer: Marianne Turner

22/08/2024 - PH 30 2024 - ref: 3182    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR for details

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 24/09/2024

Effective from: 22/08/2024


To agree and accept realignment of £344,975 of SPSF grant funding from Adwick Leisure Centre to Dearne valley Leisure Centre, including the grant conditions, from Phase II (Capital) Swimming Pool Support Fund (SPSF) to support energy’s saving interventions at Dearne Valley Leisure Centre. Approve the spend in accordance with the grant application, including installation of Photo Voltaic (PV) panels and new high performance gas boilers, and approve the
addition of the project to the Council’s capital programme.

Lead officer: Andy Maddox