
Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the council's decision making bodies since 22 May 2015. If you wish to search for decisions prior to this date please use the search function under Search agendas, minutes and reports.

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Decisions published

06/08/2024 - PH 29 2024 - Termination of Active Travel Social Prescribing delivery contract and the future delivery of the service ref: 3178    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 06/08/2024


To seek authorisation from the Monitoring Officer for the early termination of the Active Travel Social Prescribing contract.

Lead officer: Kerry Perruzza

16/07/2024 - CYPF O23241053 - National Family Hub & Start for Life Programme Budget Allocation ref: 3177    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Service Director Partnership, Early Intervention and Localities

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 16/07/2024


A Rule 16 decision was taken by the Mayor on 26th August 2022 to accept a grant allocation of £3.834m from the Department of Education (DfE) for the Family Hub

Lead officer: Callum Helman

02/08/2024 - CYPF O24251017 - Early Help Systemic Practice Lead ref: 3176    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Service Director Partnership, Early Intervention and Localities

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 02/08/2024


To accept grant funding of £42,650 from Coram, which, per the memorandum of understanding for the grant, must be used to hire 1 x Early Help Systemic Practice Lead - intermediate level to lead on the Supporting families Systemic Practice Pilot (Sept 24 to Dec 25) in partnership with Department of Education, Coram and the Institute of Family Therapy.

Upon acceptance of the grant an Early Help Systemic Practice Lead post is to be created, which will be subject to job evaluation (JE). If the outcome of JE is that the grading of the post is grade 9 or above, then the additional funding required above the grant allocation of £42,650 will be found from within the Early Intervention and Prevention budget for a period of 12 months only.

Lead officer: Alison Tomes

23/07/2024 - CYPF O24251015 - Recruitment of 4 Family Intervention Workers and a Domestic Abuse Navigator for the Family Help Pilot in North ref: 3175    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Service Director Partnership, Early Intervention and Localities

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


This decision creates 4 grade 7 Family Intervention Worker posts within the Early Intervention & Prevention Service for 12 months and 1 Domestic Abuse Navigator in Parenting and Family Support Service. These posts will work within the emerging Family Help model as set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 and the refreshed policy for Children’s Social Care, Stable Homes Built on Love.

Total cost for 1 Year is £187k.

Lead officer: Alison Tomes

20/08/2024 - PH 35 2024 - Well Doncaster community insight and support ref: 3174    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 20/08/2024


To fund 3 grade 7 Well Doncaster Officers at the cost of £100k for 1 year, this will enable the Well Doncaster team to continue to build on community insight and capturing the voice of residents within deprived communities focusing on the top 30 areas of deprivation. Continuing to build resources into the Team Doncaster Thrive
approach, enabling the conditions for people to live in a community conducive to good mental health and allow for the building blocks to reduce local health inequalities. Since 2015, Well Doncaster has worked in and with the communities of Doncaster to listen to lived experiences and get to know each community’s strengths. We want to continue to ask our communities to tell us what is important to them, empower them to enact the change they’d like to see, and follow their lead. The use of the Public Health reserves funding will enable us to continue to listen and work with communities to turn their ideas and strengths into action, providing the support, connections, and inspiration they need to shape the health and wellbeing of our city. Because the approach is community centred and supports residents to be involved in shaping their health future this will enable a deeper understanding of resident who are underserved and find accessing health services in their community difficult. This additional year of funding will enable work with primary care to align health services in the community to meet the needs of residents who live there. Well Doncaster builds on 9 years of being a community-led and evidence-based health and wellbeing approach offering the support, connections, and inspiration for our residents to make a difference.

Lead officer: Vanessa Powell-Hoyland

20/08/2024 - PH 34 2024 - Well Doncaster staff to support CEV work ref: 3173    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 20/08/2024


To fund 3 grade 7 Well Doncaster Officers at the cost of £100k for 1 year, this will enable the Well Doncaster team to build on community insight and capturing the voice of residents within deprived communities around the top 30 areas of deprivations. Continuing to build resources into the Team Doncaster Thrive approach, enabling the conditions for people to live in a community conducive to good mental health and allow for the building blocks to reduce local health
inequalities. Since 2015, Well Doncaster has worked in and with the communities of Doncaster to listen to lived experiences and get to know each community’s strengths. We want to continue to ask our communities to tell us what is important to them, empower them to enact the change they’d like to see, and follow their lead.

The use of the CEV funding will enable us to continue to listen and work with communities to turn their ideas and strengths into action, providing the support, connections, and inspiration they need to shape the health and wellbeing of our city. Because the approach is community centred and supports residents to be involved in shaping their health future this will enable a deeper understanding of resident who are underserved and find accessing health services in their community difficult. We will work with primary care to align health service in community that meet the needs of resident who live there.

Well Doncaster builds on 9 years of being a community-led and evidence-based health and wellbeing approach offering the support, connections, and inspiration for our residents to make a difference.

Lead officer: Vanessa Powell-Hoyland

20/08/2024 - PH 33 2024 - Community Connector 25-26 ref: 3172    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 20/08/2024


To utilise reserves from the CEV funds to extend the Community Connectors for one year 2025-2026 to the value of £70,000. This will
enable Well Doncaster to continue the great work of working with the VCFS to deliver hyperlocal community prevention with and for resident who are offered underserved and from protected characteristics

Lead officer: Vanessa Powell-Hoyland

20/08/2024 - PH 32 2024 - Mental Health Community Connectors-Extension ref: 3171    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 20/08/2024


Receive £30,000 funding from Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) to fund Mental Health Community Connectors project for 2 months (Oct-Nov 2024) as part of the Mental Health Community Transformation Programme

Lead officer: Emma Nicholas-Hernandez

22/08/2024 - PH 27 2024 - Get Doncaster Moving, LDP investment ref: 3170    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 22/08/2024


For City of Doncaster Council to provide £87,112 of funding via
Public Health reserves to Match Doncaster Place Partner (LDP) lottery investment, to enable request to stretch the Lottery Investment, ensuring we can maintain service function of Get Doncaster Moving and delivery through to March 2028

Lead officer: Dean Wiffen


The City of Doncaster Council has a statutory duty to administer the Neighbourhood Plan process in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) and this includes the approval of Neighbourhood Plans for progression to referendum and the organisation of the referendum in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

The Stainforth Neighbourhood Development Plan was independently examined by John Slater (BA (Hons) DMS MRTPI FRGS), his report recommended that the Neighbourhood Plan should, subject to the recommended modifications, proceed to referendum.

The draft Neighbourhood Plan (incorporating the modifications recommended by the examiner) meets the basic conditions and the other legal tests and as such, a referendum must now be held.

Decision Maker: Service Director Development and Traded Services

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 27/08/2024


To approve the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan to progress to referendum in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

Lead officer: Christophrer Hall

09/08/2024 - PLACE24 1041 - £800,000 Ear Marked Reserve (2023/24 Underspend) ref: 3168    Recommendations Approved

In the 2023-24 Quarter 4 Finance and Performance Improvement Report that was presented to the Mayor and members of cabinet on 19th June 2024 it referred to an underspend of £3.1m on the general fund which enables the Council to allocate resources to provide targeted funding towards priorities, which have been identified by our residents. In addition, a further £0.2m is available following a review of earmarked reserves.

One of these priorities is £800,000 targeted towards road resurfacing, this funding is in addition to the 2023/24 and 2024/25 Network North Roads Re-surfacing Fund of £1.6m for the 2 years, matching the
annual allocation with CDC funding. This funding will be allocated on the same basis as the Network North Roads Re-surfacing Fund and approved in the quarterly Finance & Performance Improvement

This was fully approved at cabinet on 19th June 2024.

Decision Maker: Service Director of Environment

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 09/08/2024


Approval of:
• The draw down 2023/24Underspend Ear Marked Reserve.

• Allocation of £800k Ear Marked Reserve for Highways Maintenance, to be used on the maintenance of local roads within the City of Doncaster which consist of:
o Identify individual sites for carriageway permanent patching.
o Resurfacing of local / urban estate roads, identified on a worst first basis
o Robust & permanent carriageway patching.

• Approval to add new schemes to the Capital Programme for 2024/25.

Lead officer: Wayne Southall

08/08/2024 - PLACE24 1039 - Mexborough Library – Essential Works ref: 3167    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Service Director Development and Traded Services

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 08/08/2024


To approve essential fabric, mechanical and electrical works, identified in condition survey, to Mexborough Library.

To include these works in the 2024/25 Place capital programme, where this scheme will be delivered and monitored.

Lead officer: Janine Porter

05/08/2024 - PLACE24 1038 - UNESCO Biosphere proposal – economic impact study ref: 3166    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 05/08/2024


To approve the allocation of £25k from the Environment & Sustainability earmarked reserve to undertake a economic impact assessment of a Biosphere Reserve.

To procure a third party to carry out the economic impact assessment and to enter into any necessary contractual documentation.

Lead officer: Alice Wilson

15/07/2024 - PLACE24 1026 - Approval to enter into Grant Funding Agreements with South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority based on Transforming Cities Change Control ref: 3165    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 02/09/2024

Effective from: 15/07/2024


To formally accept the change control within the Transforming Cities Programme and enter into funding agreements with South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.

Lead officer: Kerry Perruzza

20/08/2024 - AWC.026.2024 Assistive Technology Library ref: 3164    Recommendations Approved

To use underspend of Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) to provide an Assistive Technology Library which will support people with a short-term people care need within our community who
may need support to maintain independence in their own homes via either commissioned services or non-commissioned services.
It is expected that the costs of the AT Library would be circa £200K for the initial set up and with further costs of up to £200K for purchasing of the equipment to be available to ‘loan’ once the trials are complete from the £2.5m one-off underspend.
It is also that the £60K recurring underspend to be used to provide a Strategic Lead to ensure its effective direction, focus to develop the offer within the authority to include work practices &
processes, information & knowledge sharing, data collation, customer feedback, reporting, change & implementation to ensure effective ongoing up to date AT throughout Doncaster. It is expected that this post will be a Grade 10 and initially for 2 years, with a view to mainstreaming after that period, the post will be responsible for writing the AT strategy for the Council, it is expected that it may report to the Principal OT.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 20/08/2024


Approve the decision to:
? Commence an Assistive Technology (AT) Library with supporting Information Technology (IT) system/process to record AT and where it has been loaned or procured and ensuring that appropriate budget virements take place where appropriate.
? Provide provision of Wifi internet access at Wicket Hern,
? Provide 2-year funding for a Strategic Lead for Assistive Technology post
? Provide recurring funding within the Home Emergency Alarm Response Team (HEART) service for 1 x .81fte Installation Officer who will support installation and training of AT
with departments & commissioned services within HEART to support AT Library as part of their role and the increase to commence as part of the HEART restructure.
? The Installation Officer will Support Teams with installation of AT for people who need supported living as detailed above.
? A HEART Manager will support with the procurement, stock control and financial elements of the AT Library
Approve each Trial as detailed within this ODR to identify the most appropriate and effective access to AT to support individuals in their own homes.

Lead officer: Phil Holmes

08/08/2024 - AWC.025.2024 Victoria Homecare Termination of Care Packages ref: 3163    Recommendations Approved

Victoria Homecare Limited (VHL) is one of the framework providers under the council’s legacy framework. The Council will continue to retain VHL as one of its frameworks providers but will terminate all current call off contracts. (Call off contracts are contracts awarded under a
The Provider has notified the Council that there is an instability relating to the delivery of service due to staffing levels, amongst other difficulties. As a result, the council has been left with no
alternative but to terminate the call off contracts it holds with VCL.
The Provider will work with the Council to ensure a safe, smooth, and efficient transfer of the
Services to new providers is completed in a seamless way and to have minimal impact on the individuals receiving the service.
There are currently 28 packages of support, totalling 269.25 hours (per week) that will be transferred to alternative providers.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 08/08/2024


To terminate all call off contracts held with Victoria HomeCare Limited with immediate effect.

Lead officer: Kathryn Anderson-Bratt

21/08/2024 - AWC.023.2024 Heritage Fund Award for Miners’ Strike 40th Anniversary ref: 3162    Recommendations Approved

The reason for this decision:
? The project will mark an event that is of high importance to Doncaster communities.
? The project will engage a new audience with Doncaster’s mining heritage.
? The project will protect heritage at risk.
? The project will contribute to the delivery of the Doncaster Culture Strategy 2030.
? The investment will test out new activity to showcase Doncaster’s heritage.
? Heritage Doncaster will be more resilient through the development of staff skills and
? The investment will build a stronger relationship with the Heritage Fund, one of the main funders for Heritage activity.
Heritage Fund require an element of partnership funding. The value of this is £29,150 and it is proposed that the Culture Services Core Budget and Shared Prosperity Fund provide this match
to the value or £29,000. £11,000 will come from culture services staffing resource, £18,000 will be from YKSPF2 (investment in new public realm art, Q3771). Friends of Doncaster Museums
will provide a donation of £150.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 21/08/2024


To accept the £97,250 grant from the Heritage Fund for the ‘Championing Change – A Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Miners’ Strike in Doncaster’ project.
Heritage Doncaster will lead a series of activity to mark the 40th Anniversary of the yearlong miners’ strike. Working in partnership with key community and creative partners we will deliver
an engaging, arts and heritage programme that recognises the realities of the strike alongside celebrating the strength of Doncaster’s mining communities.
We will support new audiences to engage with the heritage of their own community, we will capture the memories of people who lived through the strike, we will tell the stories of our
people, capturing the change that has taken place.

Lead officer: Rachel Blake

31/07/2024 - AWC.021.2024 Harrogate Court Contract ref: 3161    Recommendations Approved

The City of Doncaster Council, along with other local authorities, is faced with the
challenge of an increased ageing population. Doncaster’s older population housing needs are recognised within Doncaster’s Housing Strategy Update 2020-25, which identifies that “For older people our approach will be to link new housing developments for older people with tailored care and support models, including Extra
Care Housing for older people, who would otherwise be at risk of losing their ability to live independently and having to move into a residential or nursing home.”
In 2019 Doncaster Council commissioned a Strategic Housing Needs Assessment. The Housing Needs Assessment identified that people living with a range of needs and disabilities have housing requirements, and concluded:
? Doncaster needs more supported housing.
? A broad range of supported housing services need to be available.
? The delivery of suitable homes for people with needs in owner occupation must
be facilitated, including considering people’s aspirations.
? Adaptable homes are needed, built to a high standard to promote good health
and wellbeing.
? Detailed long-term needs analysis is required.
? Land must be made available, along with capital and revenue costs.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 31/07/2024


To Direct Award the Harrogate Court contract, on the same terms and conditions as the current contractual arrangement, for an additional 12 months.
The value of the service for the additional 12 months (from the 1st January 2025 to 31st December 2025) is approximately £34,867.00.

Lead officer: Phil Holmes

09/07/2024 - : AWC.020.2024 Adaptations Temporary Staff Fund temporary staff to tackle the DFG backlog and facilitate Mosaic implementation in the Adaptations team. ref: 3160    Recommendations Approved

The decision to fund temporary additional staff is necessitated by the current DFG referral
backlog and the need for improved service delivery. The adaptations team is currently managing
a backlog of 806 cases. To provide some context, in the year 23/4, the adaptations team
received 727 DFG referrals and without significant investment would lead to further delays and
an increasing backlog. Current completion timescales are 294 days which is significantly outside
of the target completion for major adaptations of 182 days.
This extensive delay significantly impacts the quality of life for individuals awaiting vital home
Current capacity within the adaptations team is insufficient to drive the required changes at the
necessary pace to address this backlog effectively. Business support in the adaptions team
have dealt with some 300 customer queries for the month of May alone. Moreover, the team
lacks the resources to implement sustainable processes and adequately support the crucial
migration to MOSAIC, which is due to begin in September 2024.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 09/07/2024


To utilise funds from the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) to finance three Business Support Officers and one Technical Officer on 12-month contracts. This temporary additional capacity will enable the adaptations team to:
1. Address the current backlog of DFG referrals.
2. Implement and improve customer-facing communications.
3. Support the migration efforts from their current systems to Mosaic.
The temporary increase in capacity aims to tackle immediate challenges while enhancing longterm efficiency and service quality.

Lead officer: Phil Holmes

12/08/2024 - AWC.019.2024 Scheme of Delegation Budget Approvals v3 ref: 3159    Recommendations Approved

To increase the monetary limit that Team Leaders and Advanced Practitioners would be able to
authorise on Mosaic.
The current agreed limit is £35,000 regardless of whether the care package requires one or two carers to meet a person’s outcomes, which was agreed in 2021, in line with the Mosaic Go Live date. Since this time there have been three fee uplifts to all commissioned services.
In 2021 it was determined that the agreed limit would support the service to gain the right balance around how many support plans required approval above the Team Managers’ level, 2
versus the levels of scrutiny that were required. It was also agreed that this level was proportionate and that if the limit was set any lower then this would result in too many approvals requiring Head of Service authorisation.
Due to the fee uplifts since 2021, the proposed limit of £49,000 for 2024/25 would allow some flexibility over and above a standard residential placement, which at the time would have cost
roughly £41,000. The new proposed limit of £49,000 would maintain this flexibility against the current standard annual residential placement cost of £41,000.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 12/08/2024


To increase the amount Team Managers and Advance Practitioners can authorise up to within a care and support plan, to agree a person’s Personal Budgets (Level 4 for Localities & Integrated
Discharge Team (IDT). and Level 6 for Community Adult Learning Disabilities Team (CALDT)/
Mental Health).

Lead officer: Phil Holmes

26/06/2024 - CYPF O24251012 - Appointment of a new member on to the Doncaster Council Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) and confirmation of current membership. ref: 3158    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Children, Young People and Families (DCS)

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 26/06/2024


1) To appoint the following representative onto Doncaster Council’s Standing AdvisoryCouncil on Religious Education (SACRE): -
? Hannah Lambert – Church of England, Anglican representative

2) Reaffirm the current Membership of SACRE as detailed at Appendix 1.

Lead officer: Jane Reed

18/06/2024 - AWC.018.2024 Shared Lives Contract Uplift : Uplift for financial year 24/25 to the Shared Lives Contract ref: 3157    Recommendations Approved

Providers within Adult Social Care have seen significant cost pressures from the increase in National Living Wage and cost of living increases.
Fee uplifts have been completed across Adult Social Care and the Shared Lives Contract is at a level of 6.7% in line with inflation as at September 2023.
Should an uplift not be applied to the Shared Lives contract then there is a likely impact to the delivery of the service and the potential destabilising effect on the provision of services to the individuals supported by the Shared Lives service.
The budget for 24/25 was set allowing for an inflationary uplift of 6.7% and therefore the fee uplift recommended is in line with the budget available.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 18/06/2024


To provide an annual uplift of 6.7% (Sept 23 CPI) to the Shared Lives Contract for
The budget for 24/25 will now be £625,990 which is an increase of £34,630 on the
previous financial year’s budget.
This will bring this contract in line with the other uplifts that have occurred within
Adult Social Care. The uplift will be effective from 01/04/24.

Lead officer: Phil Holmes

23/07/2024 - AWC.017.2024 Shared Services Strategic Lead Acceptance of the Accelerating Reform Fund allocation and creation of Strategic Lead for Shared Lives ref: 3156    Recommendations Approved

In October 2023, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) launched the Accelerating Reform Fund (ARF) with a total of £42.6 million in grant funding over 2023 to 2024 (£20 million)
and 2024 to 2025 (£22.6 million), to support innovation in adult social care. The aim of the fund is to support the growth of person-centred care services with a priority focused on:
• support to unpaid carers,
• to respond to rising demand and the changing needs of local populations,
• address barriers to adopting innovative practices and build capacity and capability in adult social care.
The ARF is to be utilised to kick-start development of projects that can be further supported through existing local authority funding.
A £300,000 ‘floor’ per Integrated Care Systems (ICS) consortium will cover some core project start-up costs and will be provided in full in the first year 2023-2024. The DHSC have advised that
the fund is ringfenced and can be carried forward into the next financial year i.e., beyond March 2025.
Other allocated funding will cover some programme costs and will be calculated based on the adult social care Relative Needs Formula (RNF) at a local authority level and summed to the ICS
at a consortium level.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


This is funding provided by DHSC and the MOU for the provision of the Adult Social Care ARF
has been agreed for 2024/25. This is being done in a consortia approach across South
Yorkshire, with Rotherham MBC, City of Doncaster Council, Barnsley MBC and Sheffield City
Council. Rotherham MBC is the lead authority for this fund and has the MOU in place with the
DHSC (as detailed above).
This request is to utilise the funding received via the DHSC to establish a post within AWC to take a strategic lead on the transformation of the shared lives offer across Doncaster, whilst also leading and representing CDC as part of the South Yorkshire consortium.

Lead officer: Faye Tyas

28/08/2024 - 2024/28/PH/LLoydsTourofBritain ref: 3155    Recommendations Approved

The Tour of Britain is a multi-stage cycling race, conducted on British roads, in which participants race across Great Britain to complete the race in the fastest time.
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) have agreed to host a stage of the Men’s 2024 Tour of Britain.
This will be in collaboration with all four South Yorkshire Local Authority districts with the event taking place on Thursday 5th September 2024 with a planned route of starting in Sheffield, passing into Rotherham, Doncaster and then finishing in Barnsley.
SYMCA have agreed to pay the hosting right fee to host the event with British Cycling but all operational costs for the event are to be covered by all four Local Authorities.
The £30k maximum budget will be used for traffic management fees, operational management costs, stewarding and communications.
City of Doncaster are currently finalising plans with SYMCA and British Cycling, and therefore unable to give an actual working budget required.
Due to our history and experience of hosting major cycling events, we have based our estimate of cost on this experience and a £30k budget would be required.
The cost is based on the complexity of a route that enters the borough via Tickhill and then passes through the following communities of Wadworth, Conisbrough, Denaby, Cadeby, Scawsby, Brodsworth, Hooton Pagnell before leaving the borough via Clayton.
Due to tight timescales of Doncaster being informed and chosen as a host city, this ODR is an indicative working budget to allow approval to minimise delays moving forward. Upon receipt of the contractual agreements for City of Doncaster Council, we will then have more clarity on all parties roles and responsibilities for the event.
If the £40k working budget is rejected, Doncaster wouldn’t be able to host the event in the borough.

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 28/08/2024


To allocate a maximum of budget £30k to manage and operationally coordinate the Doncaster’s Stage of the Tour of Britain on the 5th September 2024.

Lead officer: Dean Wiffen

09/07/2024 - CYPF O24251009 - Providers fee uplift request ref: 3153    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Service Director Partnership, Early Intervention and Localities

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 09/07/2024


To agree price increase requests which have been received for individual placement for children and young people.

Lead officer: Jessica Whitworth

13/08/2024 - PLACE24 1042 2024/31/PH/ClimateAction - Use of the Environment & Sustainability earmarked reserve to facilitate annual collective climate action event. ref: 3154    Recommendations Approved

The Mayor and Full Council declared a Climate & Biodiversity Emergency in September 2019. The Council subsequently published an Environment & Sustainability Strategy and set a target for delivering an 85% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, and net zero by 2040, against a 2005 baseline.

In 2023, the Sustainability Unit held their first climate action micro-grant scheme, funding 15 community-led initiatives across the borough. These activities reached an average of 35-40
people per event including children and young people, asylum seekers and refugees, families and residents living in low-income households and sought to address some of the key challenges facing our communities through climate action and nature connectedness. Funding was provided by Synetiq; due to the success of this event funding will be matched by the earmarked reserve for 2024.
Conducted in partnership with Well Doncaster, the 2023 fund meant that we increased partnership opportunities with these organisations and enhanced their exposure, thus strengthening our collective action on climate change and our great 8 priorities.
As part of our growing Climate Doncaster partnership, we will deliver round 2 of the Climate Action micro-grant fund, aligning this with Regenerative Neighbourhoods, where groups in priority areas will be eligible for an uplift in funding. The campaign for 2024 will also align with Choose Kindness and responds to the priorities of Doncaster communities, captured during consultation exercises.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 13/08/2024


To approve the allocation of £10,000 from the Environment & Sustainability earmarked
reserve to fund a climate action micro-grant scheme for communities.

Lead officer: Amie Lake-Knott

05/05/2024 - PLACE24 1033 - Procurement of a new Security Services Contract that covers the current needs/requirements of the City of Doncaster Council. ref: 3152    Recommendations Approved

This decision has been taken because the current Security Contract is set to expire. A new Contract is necessary as the Councils Security needs have changed and these need to be captured under the new Contract. The current contract only covers the provision of security staff for North Bridge Depot and the One Stop Shop in the Civic Office. Following spend analysis in Atamis by Procurement, it has been identified that other Service Areas are frequently using the
current provider for security services. After communication from Procurement the permanent requirements have been identified and incorporated into a specification for the new tender opportunity.

Decision Maker: Service Director Economy and Development

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 05/05/2024


The decision to publish a tender opportunity for a new Security Contract has been decided. All relevant service areas (Public Buildings Maintenance, Customer services, Enforcement and
Culture and Commercial) have been and are working with Strategic Procurement and Legal to develop tender documentation and Terms

Lead officer: Lewis Lindley

23/07/2024 - CR/705/07/24 - Write Off Policy and Scheme of Delegation ref: 3151    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Chief Financial Officer & Service Director Finance & Technology

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


To approve the updated Write Off Policy and Scheme of Delegation in accordance with the Financial Procedure Rules.

Lead officer: Alan Stoves

04/07/2024 - PLACE24 1005 - VP and AIA funding to support Street Scene Service ref: 3150    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 04/07/2024


1. Approval for the drawdown of Capital monies to fund additional Vehicle & Plant (V&P) required following Street Scene’s Shift Change programme.

2. Implementation of staffing changes and AIA payments.

Lead officer: David Ridge

12/06/2024 - 2024/21/PH/Smokefreegrant - Smokefree Generations Grant ref: 3149    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 12/06/2024


1, To approve the spending plan as detailed in the body of the report.
2, To note the terms and conditions of the Funding agreement and any specific items.

Lead officer: Victoria Shackleton


See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Service Director Economy and Development

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 15/07/2024


To approve the making of an Article 4 Direction (“A4D”) to cancel the Article 4 Direction at Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) which came into effect in June 2023, and was confirmed in September 2023. The current A4D removes permitted development rights for the demolition of buildings within the operational area of Doncaster Sheffield Airport and shown on the map in Appendix 1. The effect of the current DSA A4D is that any proposal to demolish a building within the specified boundary requires a planning application to be submitted and the proposal to be assessed through the full planning process.

The current DSA A4D was implemented to protect the buildings at DSA from demolition and protect airport functionality whilst the future of the airport remained uncertain. It was deemed that the development (the potential demolition of buildings) was, at the time, prejudicial to the proper planning of the area.

However, Mayor Ros Jones announced on 21 March 2024 that a 125-year lease had been agreed for the City of Doncaster Council to take over the airport, which will be the first stage in the process to re-open the airport. Given this news, it is deemed that there is no longer a risk
that buildings at the airport may be under threat of demolition, and furthermore, that in taking on the lease of the airport, the Council or associated operators may wish to undertake certain works allowed under permitted development rights to prepare the airport for re-opening. To facilitate this aim in an expedient manner, it is necessary to remove the planning controls that were put in place to preserve the airport functionality, which has now been secured via the signing of the lease.

Lead officer: Christophrer Hall

30/07/2024 - O24251006 - Rossington Tornedale Infant School Conversion ref: 3147    Recommendations Approved

To comply with the Secretary of State’s Academy Order of 23rd April 2024.

Decision Maker: Service Director Education & Skills

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 30/07/2024


Further to the academy order of the Regional Director issued on 23rd April 2024, the Council is now required to execute all formal documentation necessary to complete the conversion to
academy status.

This decision record approves the appropriate instruction to the Council’s Legal section to complete and seal the appropriate documentation in order for Rossington Tornedale Infant School to convert to academy status on 1st October 2024 as a converter academy. It is proposed that Rossington Tornedale Infant School will join a Multi Academy Trust – Leger Education Trust.

Lead officer: Neil McAllister

15/07/2024 - PLACE24 1032 - Section 106 Public Pedestrian Crossing – West End Lane, Rossington ref: 3146    Recommendations Approved

A per the ODR Place/Planning/09/00190/OUTA/02_2024 has already allocated funding for a pedestrian crossing on West End Lane, Rossington the cost of delivering this would be in the region of £ . This would improve the safety of road using within the area.

Decision Maker: Service Director Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 15/07/2024


1. To approve the allocation of £ of S106 Monies for Pedestrian Crossing – West End Lane, Rossington
2. To gain S151 Officer approval to add the scheme to the Council’s Capital Programme.
3. To give delegated authority to the Director of Place to implement and deliver the scheme.

Lead officer: Sam Whitehurst

30/07/2024 - 2024/27/PH/Fibroscanner - Purchase of FibroScanner from the OHID supplemental monies 24/25 for use at the new diagnostic centre at Mexborough Montagu Hospital. ref: 3145    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 30/07/2024


Doncaster Public Health has allocated £115k from the Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment Recovery Grant 24/25 to fund a fibroscanner which will be utilised at the Mexborough Community Diagnostic Centre.

To transfer £115k to DBTH to cover their procurement of the fibroscanner. A grant agreement will be entered into between DBTH and the Council to allocate this funding once the fibroscanner has been purchased by DBTH.

Lead officer: Andy Collins

29/07/2024 - PLACE24 1034 - Approval to apply for Secretary of State Approval to remove 47a Montrose Avenue, Doncaster, DN2 6PLy from use as social housing within the Council’s Housing Revenue Account to commercial use ref: 3144    Recommendations Approved

The Flat at 47a has been vacant for some time since the previous St Leger tenant gave notice. PFG have requested to take on the unit as an addition to their current lease agreement which currently consists of one mixed use premises at 45 and the shop unit at 47 Montrose Avenue.

They are well established in the area and have developed strong working relationships with many health support providers offering mental and physical health support. By taking on the flat at 47a
it is felt this will improve and increase the level of support the team are able to offer to the community offering increased social and economic benefits to the area.

As the dwelling is currently classed as social housing with the Housing Revenue Account and sits outside of the commercial lease of no 47, Secretary of State approval is required to change the
use of this property from social housing and into a classification of a commercial property. Consultation has been carried out with neighbours living in the vicinity of 47a Montrose and the results found no objections to the residential flat becoming a commercial property. Results from the consultation are included in the consultation section.

Decision Maker: Service Director Economy and Development

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 29/07/2024


To approve the application to the Secretary of State for a change of use from social housing to a commercial use for 47a Montrose Avenue, which if granted will allow the PFG to incorporate the
2 bed first floor property at 47a Montrose Avenue into their existing lease agreement portfolio. PFG are the current leaseholders at 45,45a & 47 Montrose Avenue.

PFG originally became the leaseholder of 45 Montrose Avenue in 2012 with a rental amount of £500 per annum. In November 2019 they were supported in becoming leaseholders of our empty commercial unit at 47 Montrose Avenue, incorporating this with that of mixed- use premises at 45 Montrose Avenue for a combined agreement with a new rental figure agreed at £1,000 per annum.

If the application for change of use for 47a Montrose Avenue is approved, then that property will be included within the existing lease agreement. They intend to use the additional unit to help
increase the support they can offer to the community. They work very closely with St Leger Homes & key partners such as the local NHS Housing to provide ongoing support to service users.

Previously the flat at 47a was let as social housing until June 2023 and has been vacant since, the rent when tenanted was £74.70 per week resulting in income of £3,884.40 per annum. It is important to note that changing the flat to a commercial use will also require planning permission to be applied for and secured before the flat can be used for commercial purposes.

Lead officer: Dean Leggott

15/05/2024 - PLACE24 1001 - Acquisition of 1.15 acres of land at Pheasant Hill Park, Rossington ref: 3143    Recommendations Approved

See attached ODR for details

Decision Maker: Service Director Economy and Development

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 15/05/2024


To acquire 1.15 acres of land located at Pheasant Hill Park, Rossington to provide a site for a fit for purpose facility to accommodate primary care services.

Lead officer: Gillian Fairbrother

15/07/2024 - PLACE24 1031 - Approval of S106 allocation and Earmarked reserves for CCTV and improvements at Lakeside including, Vue Car Park, Runway Park and Balancing Ponds. ref: 3142    Recommendations Approved

The perception and reports to both CDC and SYP of Anti-social behaviour, vehicle nuisance and low-level crime has become a rising issue for the Lakeside area over the last few years, the increase in local housing developments estates and businesses within the area has resulted in an increase of the local footfall for the site which potentially will result in increasing amounts of complaints for the area. With the increase in footfall and age of the site the area is outdated and in need of extensive regeneration and future proofing.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision published: 29/08/2024

Effective from: 15/07/2024


Approval of S106 allocation and earmarked reserves of for the Lakeside area, funded by the below allocations: -
S106 Agreement Plot 8/9 (agreement signed 14/04/2009; developer xxxxxxxxxxx)
S106 Agreement Plot 6 (agreement signed 09/03/21; developer is xxxxxxxxx )
Plot 6 Earmarked Reserves in lieu of Service Charge Plot 5a xxxxxxxxxxx
Earmarked Reserves in lieu of Service Charge xxxxxxxxxx

To include the scheme in the Place capital programme.

Lead officer: Rachel Reeder