
Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the council's decision making bodies since 22 May 2015. If you wish to search for decisions prior to this date please use the search function under Search agendas, minutes and reports.

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Decisions published

09/04/2021 - LOP&S - 2021044 - Sheffield City Region Start Platform ref: 2210    Recommendations Approved

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Education, Skills, Culture and Heritage

Decision published: 14/10/2021

Effective from: 09/04/2021


To procure a Sheffield City Region Start Platform through a competitive tender. The costs of the platform would be up to £40,000 for development and £20,000 per year for hosting and maintenance. The maintenance costs would be split between the four Councils involved meaning the annual maintenance cost to Doncaster Council would be up to £5,000 per annum.

Lead officer: Robin MacNeill

30/03/2021 - AHWB.012.2021 BCF Funded Leadership Capacity Extension 1001 Days Pilot - Approval of Better Care Fund (BCF) funding from the earmarked reserve to support the extension of the leadership capacity, originally approved in April 2019 to align with the 10 ref: 2136    Recommendations Approved

The BCF is a programme spanning both the NHS and local government to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our society, placing them at the centre of their care and support, and providing then with ‘wrap around’ fully integrated health and social care, resulting in an improved experience and better quality of life.
The Place Plan is one of the major transformational change programmes that makes up the Doncaster Growing Together portfolio. Work is focussed around areas of opportunity as the
starting point for creating and testing new models of care; these include First 1001 days – conception to 2 years of age and Vulnerable Adolescents. It remains critical that projects are delivered individually but more importantly avoid unnecessary duplication and missed opportunities for learning. Leadership and project capacity is required to
support and challenge the transformation across all areas, ensuring pace and consistency.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 29/07/2021

Effective from: 30/03/2021


Following the recommendation from Joint Commissioning Operational Group (JCOG) and virtual approval from the Joint Commissioning Management Board (JCMB) to agree to provide Children’s Services with a total of £97,710, so that the existing transformational programme and leadership capacity, which was originally approved in April 2019, can be extended to ensure that it aligns with the revised end date of the 1001 days pilot.

The funding would support existing resources employed by Doncaster Council comprising:
- 1 FTE Transformation Manager to September 2022 (extension of 6 months)
- 1 FTE Project Officer to September 2022 (extension of 18 months)

Funding would be due to commence from 1st April 2021, from the Non Recurrent BCF Earmarked Reserve allocated to the Place Plan.

This is in accordance with recommendations made in a Cabinet Report dated 27th March 2018, which approved the spending plan for the non-recurrent BCF Ear Marked Reserve, as set out in the report, and delegated detailed spending decisions for the implementation of the Doncaster Place Plan £3m, other Integrated Functions £0.7m and unallocated balance £0.7m, to the Director of People in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and relevant Portfolio Holder.

Lead officer: Stacey Chaplin

06/04/2021 - AHWB.002.2021 S106 Bridleway off Church Meadow Road ref: 2115    Recommendations Approved

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 22/06/2021

Effective from: 06/04/2021


1. To approve the allocation of £21,308.82 of Section 106 monies for enhancement of public space at Brodsworth Way, Rossington.
2. To include the scheme in the Adults, Health & Wellbeing Capital Programme.
3. To approve scheme implementation.

Lead officer: Donna Flicker

07/04/2021 - PH 06/2021 - Dance on ref: 2059    Recommendations Approved

Dance On is a programme currently funded by Sport England delivered in Leeds, Bradford and Doncaster supported by One Dance UK. It is now coming to the end of the Sport England directly funded activity (March 21). Dance On increases the physical activity levels and reduces social isolation in women over 55. This test and learn programme is delivered in partnership with Leeds University who have been investigating the changes in physical and psychological wellbeing. The decision has been taken to award further work to begin development for the Local Delivery Pilot programme and Workforce Development Plan in April 2021 via a grant agreement to Darts. Darts are ready to carry the work out and they have already built a robust strategy for delivery as they respond to both local and national restrictions under COVID. They have carried this learning with them into 2021.

The decision has been taken as part of the Get Doncaster Moving Local Delivery Pilot Investment Plan 4, awarded by Sport England and approved by Cabinet in August 2020. The Cabinet Approval included delivery of Dance On and associated workforce development by Darts. A recurring theme that the LDP has identified from surveys, appreciative inquiry and the findings from BJL’s (our communications delivery partner) work on the communications engagement activities, is that ‘traditional’ formal activity is not always the answer for our communities. The leap from inactive to active is more attractive if we can nudge and create
smaller changes which are accessible, perceived as achievable, and provide short term benefits.

Dance offers a number of key benefits:

• Dance combines physical activity with social interaction and creative expression, thus providing benefits to participants’ mental health and emotional wellbeing, as well as their physical health.
• Dance can be more effective at engaging inactive people as it viewed as a fun social activity that can be initiated at any level of ability.
• Dance is popular amongst women and girls who generally are more inactive than men and boys.
• Dance can engage with participants from diverse backgrounds – e.g. socioeconomic, cultural, etc. – and can be used to celebrate these differences.
The plan for delivery is:
• Resume face to face activity, when restrictions are lifted, in Covid Secure community venues. Establishing up to 3 new Dance On groups in Year 1
• Weekly Dance On Zoom classes – inclusive, accessible dance classes (up to 2 a week)
• Dance On Specials delivered on Zoom x 3 per year
• Explore alternative ways of engagement for those offline including ‘Dance On Doorsteps’ to involve those who are much more isolated or frail. Those who are shielding, and who don’t currently connect on Zoom or feel happy leaving their house.
• Continue to signpost to online Dance On videos for those who want to access a warm-up, class and/or cool down in their own time. Create more content in response to demand
• Offer tasters to attract new partners and participants. This will continue to spread the Dance ON / GDM message and help identify new potential groups and geographical areas.
• Support face to face Dance On sessions with some of our most vulnerable / isolated members through partnership with Age UK Doncaster
• Promote the University of Leeds Dance On impact findings and research publications to the Health and wellbeing board, Get Doncaster Moving, local strategic partners and at any relevant national events/ conferences
• DARTS to partner with the GDM team and Public Health to help deliver the shared message of how Dance can tackle physical inactivity and promote positive mental health
• Maintain regular telephone contact with participants to check in personally, share information about the continued Dance On offer, consult on ideas, collate feedback on what participants want/need and offer one to one technical support to enable those not yet online to engage digitally.
• Identify new key partners in the community, key venues and locations. (To include Social Prescribing, Well Doncaster, Locality staff, Community Connectors)
Workforce development (2021-2022)
• Development opportunities for non-dancers (sports background) to develop dance skills
• Development opportunities for new dancers to develop skills needed to deliver Dance On sessions
• Dance practitioner training for Dance On team
• Dance training for Dance On development artist
• Work with the keenest participants and partners to support them to become ambassadors for the project. Offer training and free sessions to these ambassadors.
We will:
• Consolidate our learning in order to deliver a sustainable scalable model.
• Develop 6 Dance On groups across the borough running throughout the year
• Focus on increasing our reach and geographical spread. We will test our model in a number of new disadvantaged communities. These communities will meet our ‘Dance On model’ criteria and will be in areas recommended by our Public Health partners. We will deliver more taster sessions to widen our reach, promote the sessions and to test the ground for new groups to be established.
• Ensure 60% of the programme is sustainable. By sustainable we mean the number of participants attending, each paying £3 per session will cover the cost of the room hire and the artist delivering. This will not cover the cost of the project management and admin team collecting any necessary data.
• Invest in development time and share the research findings more widely with a wide range of national, regional and local partners.
• Recruit Dance On Champions - active community members, connected with the wider community offer (e.g. church, day centre).
• Develop our workforce (as per our Test and Learn Workforce Development Proposal).
• Upskill communities and partners. Support partners to deliver in their existing services such as with Age UK.
• Develop our local Dance Champions to maintain growth, to advocate locally and attract more people to attend. Support and reward their engagement, encouraging them to bring together more isolated members of the community.

The costs associated with the above is £110,078 over 2 years. The budget has been identified from the Local Delivery Pilot grant awarded by Sport England, meaning there is no funding being sought from existing Council Budgets.

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 08/04/2021

Effective from: 07/04/2021


To Award Dance On! Work to DARTs at a cost of up to £110,078.00 over 2 years (AS detailed in the attached Officer Decision Record).

Lead officer: Samantha Blakeley

07/04/2021 - PH 08/2021 - COVID Community Testing ref: 2058    Recommendations Approved

An overarching Doncaster COVID Testing Strategy is in place which aligns to the objectives of Doncaster’s outbreak control plan. It outlines the wide range of testing approaches including symptomatic testing and asymptomatic testing. The opportunities for accessing testing is constantly evolving and therefore necessary that our approach is flexible and reactive to the Government’s developments.
Doncaster Council has been providing asymptomatic community testing since 14th December 2020 via assisted testing sites where residents can access testing twice a week. Approval was provided to accept funding up to £2.8m via a Rule 16 on the 14th January 2021 and delegated to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Director of Corporate Resources and the Portfolio Holder for Public Health future decision making regarding the Community Testing funding. For the period to the end of March 2021 covered in the key decision the Council is expected to recover £792k from the Community Testing Grant.
As part of the government’s ambition to support COVID testing as a habit, they have now asked local authorities to continue assisted testing until 30th June 2021. The anticipated cost that can be recovered from the Community Testing Grant is expected to be circa £876k and therefore still falls within the amount approved in the key decision in January.
To support the government’s response to Community Testing further funding has been made available in the form of the Community Collect Grant. The funding is based on an associated costs to distribute test kits and Doncaster is expected to receive circa £81k.
Test kits are being made available for residents to be able to self-test at home. Our proposal is to provide residents with the opportunity to access this home testing kits via our Community Testing sites and also via the mobile testing van that will be able to be placed in locations where access to testing is limited.
Such funding by DHSC will be made by way of grants under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003 and amending the existing Collaboration Agreement already in place for Community Testing.

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 08/04/2021

Effective from: 07/04/2021


To extend the delivery of Community Testing until 30th June 2021 and to provide a Community Collect model to enable residents to access home lateral flow test kits.
To accept receipt of funding to deliver our Community Collect Testing proposals circa £81k.

Lead officer: Clare Henry

30/07/2020 - CR/385/06/20 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02/20 Supplier Relief due to Covid-19, up to the 30th June 2020. ref: 2057    Recommendations Approved

LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with nearly two thirds of that cost relating to PPE, representing the largest single financial pressure on providers.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 02/20 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that PPE costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.
- The Adult Social Care sector is nationally recognised as a vulnerable market.
- The providers range from those that are locally or regionally based to multi-nationals but all providers applying through the scheme operate locally and have a high percentage of staff employed from within the borough.- Care Homes are at the forefront of the epidemic and are facing increased costs related to infection control, including the extraordinary costs of PPE supplies.
- Most providers are heavily reliant on the Council for income.
- Essential requirement to sustain providers to ensure care needs of residents can be met once COVID19 is over.

The providers (as identified in the attached Officer Decision Record) have applied to the council for additional costs they have incurred as a result of COVID19. In calculating the level of relief in relation to the additional costs, the following principles have been established:-

- Available to all CQC registered Care Homes in Doncaster and Council commissioned Domiciliary Care providers, including Supported Living and Extra Care
- Support relates to actual expenditure incurred (evidenced by invoices/receipts) and therefore provides no basis for an ongoing fee increase
- PPE costs are outside the scope of costs which providers would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans and will not provide an ongoing business benefit beyond COVID
- The extent of additional workforce costs is beyond that which a provider would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans
- Agency costs for COVID related sick (ensuring that these costs are net of any salary cost savings e.g. if absent staff have not been paid in full, the full cost of agency should not be claimable)
- SSP costs (where they cannot be recovered from Government and where the absence was covered by additional hours/agency)
- The relief must be proportionate and sense checked – i.e. the usage reflects the operational requirements of the provider
- The relief relates to additional costs incurred and does not equate to compensation for lost profit (in line with PPN02/20).

Relief covers the period March – 14th May 2020 for domiciliary care, supported living and extra care housing providers on the basis that the discretionary element of the Infection Control Fund PC funding can cover PPE costs in June.

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 30/07/2020


To grant supplier relief for PPE when applied for under the SRS to Home Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

To grant supplier relief for staff costs when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

22/06/2020 - CR/384/06/20 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02 2020 Supplier Relief due to Covid-19, up to the 30th June 2020. ref: 2056    Recommendations Approved

LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with nearly two thirds of that cost relating to PPE, representing the largest single financial pressure on providers.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 20_2020 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that PPE costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.
- The Adult Social Care sector is nationally recognised as a vulnerable market.
- The providers range from those that are locally or regionally based to multi-nationals but all providers applying through the scheme operate locally and have a high percentage of staff employed from within the borough.
- Care Homes are at the forefront of the epidemic and are facing increased costs related to infection control, including the extraordinary costs of PPE supplies.
- Most providers are heavily reliant on the Council for income.
- Essential requirement to sustain providers to ensure care needs of residents can be met once COVID19 is over.

The providers (as identified in the attached Officer Decision Record) have applied to the council for additional costs they have incurred as a result of COVID19. In calculating the level of relief in relation to the additional costs, the following principles have been established:-

- Available to all CQC registered Care Homes in Doncaster and Council commissioned Domiciliary Care providers, including Supported Living and Extra Care
- Support relates to actual expenditure incurred (evidenced by invoices/receipts) and therefore provides no basis for an ongoing fee increase
- PPE costs are outside the scope of costs which providers would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans and will not provide an ongoing business benefit beyond COVID.
- The relief must be proportionate and sense checked – i.e. the usage reflects the operational requirements of the provider
- The relief relates to additional costs incurred and does not equate to compensation for lost profit (in line with PPN20_2020).

Relief covers the period March – 29th May 2020 for domiciliary care, supported living and extra care housing providers on the basis that the discretionary element of the Infection Control Fund PC funding can cover PPE costs in June. In light of the LaingBuisson findings and revised grant circular for the Infection Control Fund confirming DHSC’s view that the funding is not intended to fund PPE pressures in care homes, claims from care homes for PPE in June will be need to considered through the supplier relief scheme, if no further funding has been made available from central government.

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 22/06/2020


To grant supplier relief for PPE when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

07/07/2020 - CR/391/07/20 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02 ref: 2055    Recommendations Approved

LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with nearly two thirds of that cost relating to PPE, representing the largest single financial pressure on providers.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 02_2020 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that PPE costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.

- The Adult Social Care sector is nationally recognised as a vulnerable market.
- The providers range from those that are locally or regionally based to multi-nationals but all providers applying through the scheme operate locally and have a high percentage of staff employed from within the borough.
- Care Homes are at the forefront of the epidemic and are facing increased costs related to infection control, including the extraordinary costs of PPE supplies.
- Most providers are heavily reliant on the Council for income.
- Essential requirement to sustain providers to ensure care needs of residents can be met once COVID19 is over.

The providers (as identified in the attached Officer Decision Record) have applied to the council for additional costs they have incurred as a result of COVID19. In calculating the level of relief in relation to the additional costs, the following principles have been established:-

- Available to all CQC registered Care Homes in Doncaster and Council commissioned Domiciliary Care providers, including Supported Living and Extra Care
- Support relates to actual expenditure incurred (evidenced by invoices/receipts) and therefore provides no basis for an ongoing fee increase
- PPE costs are outside the scope of costs which providers would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans and will not provide an ongoing business benefit beyond COVID
- The relief must be proportionate, and sense checked – i.e. the usage reflects the operational requirements of the provider
- The relief relates to additional costs incurred and does not equate to compensation for lost profit (in line with PPN02_2020)

Relief covers the period March – 14th May 2020 for domiciliary care, supported living and extra care housing providers on the basis that the discretionary element of the Infection Control Fund PC funding can cover PPE costs in June. In light of the LaingBuisson findings and revised grant circular for the Infection Control Fund confirming DHSC’s view that the funding is not intended to fund PPE pressures in care homes, claims from care homes for PPE in June will be need to considered through the supplier relief scheme, if no further funding has been made available from central government.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 07/07/2020


To grant supplier relief for PPE when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

16/07/2020 - CR/399/07/20 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02 ref: 2054    Recommendations Approved

LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with nearly two thirds of that cost relating to PPE, representing the largest single financial pressure on providers.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 02_2020 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that PPE costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.
- The Adult Social Care sector is nationally recognised as a vulnerable market.
- The providers range from those that are locally or regionally based to multi-nationals but all providers applying through the scheme operate locally and have a high percentage of staff employed from within the borough.
- Care Homes are at the forefront of the epidemic and are facing increased costs related to infection control, including the extraordinary costs of PPE supplies.
- Most providers are heavily reliant on the Council for income.
- Essential requirement to sustain providers to ensure care needs of residents can be met once COVID19 is over.

The providers (as identified in the attached Decision Record) have applied to the council for additional costs they have incurred as a result of COVID19. In calculating the level of relief in relation to the additional costs, the following principles have been established:
- Available to all CQC registered Care Homes in Doncaster and Council commissioned Domiciliary Care providers, including Supported Living and Extra Care
- Support relates to actual expenditure incurred (evidenced by invoices/receipts) and therefore provides no basis for an ongoing fee increase
- PPE costs are outside the scope of costs which providers would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans and will not provide an ongoing business benefit beyond COVID
- The extent of additional workforce costs is beyond that which a provider would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans
- Agency costs for COVID related sick (ensuring that these costs are net of any salary cost savings e.g. if absent staff have not been paid in full, e full cost of agency should not be claimable)
- SSP costs (where they cannot be recovered from Government and where the absence was covered by additional hours/agency)
- The relief must be proportionate and sense checked – i.e. the usage reflects the operational requirements of the provider
- The relief relates to additional costs incurred and does not equate to compensation for lost profit (in line with PPN02_2020).

Relief covers the period March – 14th May 2020 for domiciliary care, supported living and extra care housing providers on the basis that the discretionary element of the Infection Control Fund PC funding can cover PPE costs in June.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 16/07/2020


To grant supplier relief for PPE when applied for under the SRS to Home Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

To grant supplier relief for staff costs when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

13/08/2020 - CR/402/08/20 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02 ref: 2053    Recommendations Approved

To grant supplier relief for PPE when applied for under the SRS to Home Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

To grant supplier relief for staff costs when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 13/08/2020


LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with nearly two thirds of that cost relating to PPE, representing the largest single financial pressure on providers.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 02_2020 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that PPE costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.
- The Adult Social Care sector is nationally recognised as a vulnerable market.
- The providers range from those that are locally or regionally based to multi-nationals but all providers applying through the scheme operate locally and have a high percentage of staff employed from within the borough.
- Care Homes are at the forefront of the epidemic and are facing increased costs related to infection control, including the extraordinary costs of PPE supplies.
- Most providers are heavily reliant on the Council for income.
- Essential requirement to sustain providers to ensure care needs of residents can be met once COVID19 is over.

The providers (as identified in the attached Officer Decision Record) have applied to the council for additional costs they have incurred as a result of COVID19. In calculating the level of relief in relation to the additional costs, the following principles have been established-
- Available to all CQC registered Care Homes in Doncaster and Council commissioned Domiciliary Care providers, including Supported Living and Extra Care
- Support relates to actual expenditure incurred (evidenced by invoices/receipts) and therefore provides no basis for an ongoing fee increase
- PPE costs are outside the scope of costs which providers would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans and will not provide an ongoing business benefit beyond COVID
- The extent of additional workforce costs is beyond that which a provider would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans
- Agency costs for COVID related sick (ensuring that these costs are net of any salary cost savings e.g. if absent staff have not been paid in full, the full cost of agency should not be claimable)
- SSP costs (where they cannot be recovered from Government and where the absence was covered by additional hours/agency)
- The relief must be proportionate and sense checked – i.e. the usage reflects the operational requirements of the provider
- The relief relates to additional costs incurred and does not equate to compensation for lost profit (in line with PPN02_2020)

Relief covers the period March – 14th May 2020 for domiciliary care, supported living and extra care housing providers on the basis that the discretionary element of the Infection Control Fund PC funding can cover PPE costs in June.

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

20/07/2020 - CR/387/07/20 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02 ref: 2052    Recommendations Approved

LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with about a third of that cost relating to workforce pressures.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 02_2020 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that additional staff costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.
-The Adult Social Care sector is nationally recognised as a vulnerable market.
- The providers range from those that are locally or regionally based to multi-nationals but all providers applying through the scheme operate locally and have a high percentage of staff employed from within the borough.
- Care Homes are at the forefront of the epidemic and are facing increased costs related to staffing.
- Most providers are heavily reliant on the Council for income.
- Essential requirement to sustain providers to ensure care needs of residents can be met once COVID19 is over.

The providers (as identified in the attached Officer Decision Record) have applied to the council for additional costs they have incurred as a result of COVID19. In calculating the level of relief in relation to the additional costs, the following principles have been established:
- Available to all CQC registered Care Homes in Doncaster and Council commissioned Domiciliary Care providers, including Supported Living and Extra Care
- Support relates to actual expenditure incurred (evidenced by documentation or declaration) and therefore provides no basis for an ongoing fee increase
- The extent of additional workforce costs is beyond that which a provider would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans
- The relief must be proportionate, and sense checked
- Agency costs for COVID related sick (ensuring that these costs are net of any salary cost savings e.g. if absent staff have not been paid in full, the full cost of agency should not be claimable)
- SSP costs (where they cannot be recovered from Government and where the absence was covered by additional hours/agency)
- The relief relates to additional costs incurred and does not equate to compensation for lost profit (in line with PPN02_2020)

Relief covers the period 31st March –14th May 2020 for all providers on the basis that the Infection Control Fund (IPC) funding can be used to fund workforce costs from the date it was announced.

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 20/07/2020


To grant supplier relief for staff costs when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

19/10/2020 - CR/413/10/20 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02 ref: 2051    Recommendations Approved

LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with nearly two thirds of that cost relating to PPE, representing the largest single financial pressure on providers.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 02_2020 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that PPE costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.
- The Adult Social Care sector is nationally recognised as a vulnerable market.
- The providers range from those that are locally or regionally based to multi-nationals but all providers applying through the scheme operate locally and have a high percentage of staff employed from within the borough.
- Care Homes are at the forefront of the epidemic and are facing increased costs related to infection control, including the extraordinary costs of PPE supplies.
- Most providers are heavily reliant on the Council for income.
- Essential requirement to sustain providers to ensure care needs of residents can be met once COVID19 is over.

The providers (as identified in the attached Officer Decision Record) have applied to the council for additional costs they have incurred as a result of COVID19. In calculating the level of relief in relation to the additional costs, the following principles have been established:-

- Available to all CQC registered Care Homes in Doncaster and Council commissioned Domiciliary Care providers, including Supported Living and Extra Care
- Support relates to actual expenditure incurred (evidenced by invoices/receipts) and therefore provides no basis for an ongoing fee increase
- PPE costs are outside the scope of costs which providers would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans and will not provide an ongoing business benefit beyond COVID
- The extent of additional workforce costs is beyond that which a provider would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans
- Agency costs for COVID related sick (ensuring that these costs are net of any salary cost savings e.g. if absent staff have not been paid in full, the full cost of agency should not be claimable)
- SSP costs (where they cannot be recovered from Government and where the absence was covered by additional hours/agency)
- The relief must be proportionate and sense checked – i.e. the usage reflects the operational requirements of the provider
- The relief relates to additional costs incurred and does not equate to compensation for lost profit (in line with PPN02_2020)

Relief covers the period March – 14th May 2020 for domiciliary care, supported living and extra care housing providers on the basis that the discretionary element of the Infection Control Fund PC funding can cover PPE costs in June.

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 19/10/2020


To grant supplier relief for PPE when applied for under the SRS to Home Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020 and Residential Care providers to the 30 June 2020.

To grant supplier relief for staff costs when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

30/06/2020 - CR/442/03/21 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02 ref: 2050    Recommendations Approved

LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with nearly two thirds of that cost relating to PPE, representing the largest single financial pressure on providers.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 02_2020 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that PPE costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.

- The Adult Social Care sector is nationally recognised as a vulnerable market.
- The providers range from those that are locally or regionally based to multi-nationals but all providers applying through the scheme operate locally and have a high percentage of staff employed from within the borough.
- Care Homes are at the forefront of the epidemic and are facing increased costs related to infection control, including the extraordinary costs of PPE supplies.

-Most providers are heavily reliant on the Council for income.
- Essential requirement to sustain providers to ensure care needs of residents can be met once COVID19 is over.

The providers as identified in the attached Officer Decision Record have applied to the council for additional costs they have incurred as a result of COVID19. In calculating the level of relief in relation to the additional costs, the following principles have been established:-

- Available to all CQC registered Care Homes in Doncaster and Council commissioned Domiciliary Care providers, including Supported Living and Extra Care
- Support relates to actual expenditure incurred (evidenced by invoices/receipts) and therefore provides no basis for an ongoing fee increase
- PPE costs are outside the scope of costs which providers would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans and will not provide an ongoing business benefit beyond COVID
- The extent of additional workforce costs is beyond that which a provider would be expected to incur as part of their normal business continuity plans
- Agency costs for COVID related sick (ensuring that these costs are net of any salary cost savings e.g. if absent staff have not been paid in full, the full cost of agency should not be claimable)
- SSP costs (where they cannot be recovered from Government and where the absence was covered by additional hours/agency)
- The relief must be proportionate and sense checked – i.e. the usage reflects the operational requirements of the provider
- The relief relates to additional costs incurred and does not equate to compensation for lost profit (in line with PPN02_2020)

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 30/06/2020


To grant supplier relief for PPE when applied for under the SRS to Home Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

To grant supplier relief for staff costs when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers up to the 14th May 2020.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

16/06/2020 - CR/383/06/20 - Supplier Relief Scheme (SRS) linked to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02 ref: 2049    Recommendations Approved

LaingBuisson were commissioned by local government (LGA and ADASS) and worked with the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), to estimate the additional financial pressures on independent adult social care providers due to COVID-19. The summary findings of the report were released to Local Authorities early June; the additional cost to providers is estimated at £6.6billion, with about a third of that cost relating to workforce pressures.

The government has advised public bodies via the PPN 20_2020 Supplier Relief due to COVID19, to help ensure supplier sustainability through the COVID19 pandemic. This was further enhanced by the ADASS/LGA note circulated 8th April 2020.

The Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing DASS wrote to providers 7th May (as detailed in the attached Officer Decision Record) setting out support available through the Supplier Relief Scheme and confirming that additional staff costs incurred were within scope for reimbursement.

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Corporate Resources

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 16/06/2020


To grant supplier relief for staff costs when applied for under the SRS to Residential Care Providers, Home Care and Extra Care Providers and Supported Living Providers.

Lead officer: Holly Wilson

26/03/2021 - CR/443/03/21 - Mayoral Self-Isolation Payment ref: 2048    Recommendations Approved

Eligibility for the government one-off £500 Test and Trace Support Payment is for people who:-
- have been told to stay at home and self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, either because they have tested positive for coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive;
- are employed or self-employed;
- are unable to work from home and will lose income as a result; and
- are currently receiving Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, income-based Employment and Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit and/or Pension Credit.
The Council has had significant feedback relating to this government scheme on the eligibility and amount of payment. Therefore as part of the Mayor’s Spring Sprint, it was felt some additional funding would further assist Doncaster citizens who find themselves in this position. No other alternatives have been considered.
It is estimated that the number of payments for cases up to 31st March when the extra payment ends will be no more than 200 totalling £50k. This budget requirement will be covered by a budget contribution from Public Health.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Corporate Resources

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 26/03/2021


To award an additional £250 to any citizen who is having to self-isolate and meets the national criteria for the self-isolation support scheme.

Lead officer: Julie Grant