Issue details

AHWB/105/2017 - Part funding for additional Commissioning & Contracts team

Delivering effective commissioning and contract management is right at the heart of our Transformational ambitions. Indeed, the inputs of the Commissioning and Contracts team are critical to the success of the vast bulk of transformation / improvement projects that are either already underway or planned. The size and scale of this challenge should not be underestimated and there is a clear and obvious need to ensure that the commissioning function is stable and robust in order to maximise its effectiveness moving forward.

Crucially, the move towards the development of a strategic commissioning approach with external partners is a key element of the Doncaster Place Plan. This will include moves towards joint commissioning arrangements where appropriate / achievable. The Commissioning and Contracts team will play a key role in this work.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/08/2018

Decision due: 8 Nov 2017 by Director of People

Contact: Patrick Birch, Programme Manager, Commissioning and Contracts Email:
