Issue details

2020/09/PH/Funding for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable

Government have recently provided updated guidance for those that are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) in light of the national lockdown and have requested that Local Authorities implement the previously issued framework to support those that are CEV.
This framework places a responsibility on the Local Authority to assess food and basic support needs of those that are CEV and to put in place the necessary arrangements to meet those needs.
The Government have recognised that providing this support puts additional financial pressure and burdens on the Council and have announced financial assistance to help meet these costs.
For Doncaster this financial support is £228,000 which is based on a CEV population of 15,565 @ £14.60 per CEV. The funding is un-ringfenced section 31 grant.
Whilst we are utilising existing resources and support where it exists, this does put additional pressures on services and capacity is stretched. This is exacerbated at this time as it is difficult to estimate the likely demand for support and for how long this will be required. Albeit we are only technically in a 4 week national lockdown, support for the CEV is likely to be needed beyond this period.
Given this uncertainty, an indicative proposal of how the additional resources outlined above is attached. This has been signed off by Directors on 16th November 2020. In summary, this will be used as a priority to fund:-
- 2fte additional Customer Service Advisors – additional capacity to manage additional incoming calls, email requests for support and proactive calls to those who have registered nationally and asked for local support.
- 1 additional Apprentice post in PIC to manage the data and reporting
Ring fence funding for additional support for locality inbox, triage and local solutions groups for CEV (adults and children) if needed.
- Additional funding for emergency food for CEV
- Top up fund for voluntary, community and faith sector for local response offer if needed
- Comms and marketing materials such as Winter booklet for CEV, postage costs etc.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/12/2020

Decision due: 30 Nov 2020 by Director of Public Health

Contact: Dr Rupert Suckling, Director of Public Health and Prevention Email:
