Issue details

CR/377/06/20 Approval of Funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget No 61, 62,

Further to the establishment of a ward Members Budget of upto £3k per Councillor (ODR No: CR/352/04/20,) a number of applications have been received and assessed in line with the application criteria and supported by the relevant ward Councillor (s). Further details are provided on the ODR.

The individual applications below, detail the extent to which the initiative will seek to make a positive impact in the community and ensure the most vulnerable people within Doncaster Communities are supported in a safe and responsible way during the Covid 19 pandemic.
a. Doncaster District Deaf Society
Reference No: 61/DCF/WBCV19/Tn
Supported by: Councillor Nikki McDonald, Councillor Tosh McDonald,
Councillor Dave Shaw
Cost £1047.00 (£349.00 x 3 Councillors)

Purchase 3 IPads to be used by volunteers in the community to help with the translating for the deaf and hearing people for people of all ages. Those in insolation can use them to face time their family as they aren’t able to use a phone for voice calls. Educational classes for learning BSL maybe run through them, and the IPads would be a great asset to help deliver them. These will also help those in isolation to do online tasks like food shopping. IPads are being requested due to the large screen, ease of use, ability to use Face time.

Bessacarr FC
Reference No: 62/DCF/WBCV19/Bes
Supported by: Councillor Neil Gethin, Councillor Majid Khan, Councillor Nick Allen, Councillor Jane Cox, Councillor Steve Cox, Councillor Richard A Jones
Cost £4100.00 (£1300.00 x 2 Councillors, £750.00 x 1 Councillor, £250.00 x 3 Councillors)

Funding will enable the group to purchase a fridge and freezer to help store chilled and frozen food. Fresh food and essentials will also be purchased for the residents in Cantley, Bessacarr, Lakeside, Finningley, Branton, and Rossington that need to use the foodbank.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/02/2021

Decision due: 9 Jun 2020 by Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services

Contact: Andrew Sercombe, Governance Manager Email:
