Issue details

AHWB.021.2021 Adult Social Care Charging Policy

On 25 February 2020 Cabinet approved changes to a range of fees and charges and charging practices in Adult Social Care.
In total 9 individual proposals were agreed with an implementation date of April 2020. The proposals related to the following areas:
1. Home alarm service
2. Care at home
3. Day opportunities provided by the Council’s SMILE service
4. Safeguarding personal assets
5. Arrangements for people who pay for their own care in full
6. Maximum weekly charge for non-residential services
7. Enhanced daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
8. Financial Assessments for Residential Respite

The proposals are explained in detail in the Adult Social Care Charges - Cabinet report 2020 Final

Due to the Council’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic some of the implementation was suspended until October 2020.

It was recommended that the wording in the policy was reviewed, arising from the ASC charges Cabinet decision, and for the policy to fully document Doncaster Council’s agreed approach to charging and financial assessment for adult social care and support.

The policy details the principles and guidance for decision making around charging and financial assessments for adult social care and support, ensuring legal compliance with the Care Act 2014.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/07/2021

Decision due: 13 May 2021 by Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Contact: Geraldine Byrne, Policy, Insight and Change Manager, Corporate Resources Email:
