Issue details

AHWB.026.2021 Additional Safeguarding Staff

A significant safeguarding investigation is taking place within the Borough focused on a provider of Children and Adult’s services. So far, this has highlighted the need to review and explore the records and information on a significant number of young adults.

In order to complete the work within a timely way which will support the wider Police and multiagency investigations we need additional experienced staff capacity to support the work. We have taken 2 experienced members of staff and leadership capacity from our Community Adult Learning Disability Team and Safeguarding. We are now needing to backfill these roles and bolster the capacity available now that the numbers potentially impacted are understood.

The work is likely to take 6 months (minimum) to complete and will be reviewed on a monthly basis in terms of whether the level of capacity continues to be needed. If it is not required then this will addressed to ensure the cost impact is minimised. The rationale for using agency staffing means that contracts can be ceased at short notice as the work reduces over time.

Within adults we are working across multiple placing authorities and CCG’s who are requesting information and regular updates. This is being managed currently via a single inbox which is being overseen and monitored via a Business Support colleague who is reaching in but this is not sustainable for an extended period. In addition there are regular feedback sessions with the relevant authorities and CCG’s which are attended by Adults and Children colleagues.

This work cuts across a range of policy and legislation within the Children’s and Adults arena as well as regulation. As a result we need people who are experienced and understand the frameworks of the arena which they are required to operate in. This means targeting appropriately qualified and experienced staff and we will need some additional resource to ensure we can get this in place.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/08/2021

Decision due: 3 Jun 2021 by Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Contact: Phil Holmes, Executive Director of Adults, Wellbeing and Culture Email:
