Issue details

LOCYP2122049- OA Y5 Programme: Priority 1 – Intensive School-to-school Support Programme

The project aims to provide a programme of intensive wrap-around school-to-school support that addresses the specific issues of each targeted school. The programme aims to ensure that the target schools play an integral part in the process and aims to employ a “done with” model of
support to effect buy-in from the school. It aims to build on the lessons learned from other Opportunity Areas where school-to-school support has been put in place to support the
improvement of schools with the most entrenched issues and those that are in need of additional leadership capacity/ system leadership in specific identified areas.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/09/2021

Decision due: 26 Aug 2021 by Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills

Contact: Robin MacNeill Email:
