Issue details

LOP&S 2122055 - Disposal from the Collections of Heritage Doncaster – Libraries and Heritage Services

The object is un-accessioned, in poor condition (consultation with a specialist at Beamish has brought to light that the carriage has in the past – prior to Heritage Doncaster acquiring it – been poorly restored. The Rear Carriage wheels not belonging to this model of carriage) and does not have a strong Doncaster Borough Provenance or connection. The recommendation to dispose relates particularly to section 5.3.1 of the Collections Development Policy (2019-2023) which refers to the criteria for disposal from the Social History Collections. As the object is un-accessioned and has never been formally accepted into the collection, the collecting criteria for Social History, outlined in Section 4.1 and in particular 4.1.2 which refers to considerations over care and storage of items. The Omnibus is a large object and would be both difficult to store and very space consuming.

This, when considered against its poor condition (poor historic restoration) and lack of a strong connection to the Borough of Doncaster (as defined at this time by the Borough’s Local Government boundaries) make it a candidate for disposal.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/12/2021

Decision due: 21 Sep 2021 by Assistant Director - Education, Skills, Culture and Heritage

Contact: Leanne Hornsby, Assistant Director, Education, Skills, Culture and Heritage Email:
