Issue details

PH 24 2022 - 2022/24/PHRoughSleepergrant - Allocation of Rough Sleepers Initiative grant, Homelessness Prevention grant and COVID-19 emergency grant to support homelessness related activities across the Council and partners

The changing landscape of the housing market is a national issue. House prices are on the rise, private sector rent levels are increasing and the gap between Local Housing Allowance rates at their frozen levels is forcing non-working tenants and households on low incomes out of the market. This is placing increasing demand on council housing, which is fast becoming the tenure of choice for many but with less than a fifth of housing stock in the borough being council housing demand far outweighs supply. All this with the cost of living crisis and the post COVID challenges is putting immense pressure on the home options service and homelessness approaches have steadily increased over the last two years and reached unprecedented and unmanageable levels. The service needs a full review to respond to the challenges, upstream prevention activity, engage and improve access into the private rented sector, achieve the Government rough sleeper targets and deliver the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. This work needs to dovetail into other important agendas for the borough such as Anti-Poverty, Health and Wellbeing and Domestic Abuse.
A key decision was taken on 28th April 2022 by the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Business to delegate allocation of the Homelessness Prevention Grant (HPG) to the to the Director of Public Health and Assistant Director of Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Business; and, to delegate acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Rough Sleepers Initiative (RSI) funding to the Director of Public Health and Assistant Director of Finance. The key decision report outlined the background as follows:-
- The Government is committed to ending rough sleeping in this parliament and to fully enforce the Homelessness Reduction Act. Two critical elements to support local authorities in achieving the Government’s manifesto commitment are the Rough Sleeping Initiative (RSI) and Homelessness Prevention Grant (HPG) funding streams.
- The Council has submitted a funding application to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) for a three-year award for RSI funding (2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25). The funding award (once confirmed by DLUHC) will enable the continuation of a range of interventions as well as the implementation of new initiatives to support rough sleepers and those at risk of sleeping rough in Doncaster.
- Like other local authorities, the Council has also been allocated HPG funding (of £764,215), which ensures local authorities are fully resourced to take action to prevent and tackle homelessness and continue to embed the changes required through implementation of the Homelessness Reduction Act.
Rough Sleepers Initiative
Doncaster’s RSI application was successful and a total of £2,482,538 has been awarded for 2022/23 – 2024/25. The funding includes the following interventions:
a) Assessment hub provision within Wharf House hostel - additional staffing to support delivery of an ‘off the street offer’ for rough sleepers
b) Additional emergency accommodation requirements including to support winter planning reducing over the three year allocation
c) Housing First - additional staffing to support expansion plans in line with the strategic direction of travel
d) Complex Lives Alliance - funding of key posts within the Complex Lives team including MEAM workers and navigators
e) Private rented sector (PRS) initiatives including funding for PRS officers as well as a resettlement fund to support access into the PRS
f) Housing Solutions Team - funding of a number of posts within St Leger Homes to enhance the current homelessness preventative offer and seek accommodation solutions for individuals experiencing homelessness
g) Tenancy sustainment - staffing to support individuals in both supported and PRS accommodation
See attached Officer Decision Record for further information including, a breakdown of the Rough Sleeping Initiative (RSI) awarded.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/09/2022

Decision due: 1 Jul 2022 by Director of Public Health

Contact: Dr Rupert Suckling, Director of Public Health and Prevention Sarah Sansoa, 01302, 737048, Email:
