The City of Doncaster Council has approved
ambitious plans to deliver more affordable homes, including more
Council housing. The acquisitions programme forms a key element of
the 5 year (2020-2025) ‘Housing Delivery Plan’ (HDP)
approved at Cabinet on 12th January 2021. In June 2022 Cabinet gave
approval to the purchase of affordable housing brought forward as
part of the development of the land at Hatfield Lane East,
Armthorpe with Albemarle Homes Ltd following planning permission
being secured.
A number of opportunities have been identified to purchase targeted
new builds through the city, which will help meet the specific
local affordable housing need, especially where the Council has no
or limited land to develop Council housing, ensuring a suitable
geographical balance of new Council housing across the city. These
new homes will form part of the Council House Build Programme
(CHBP) and will be let through St. Leger Homes.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/10/2024
Decision due: 24 Sep 2024 by Executive Director of Place
Contact: Martin Ely Email: