Issue details

1718194 - Temp Acc at Kirk Sandall Junior School

Doncaster Council has a responsibility to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of school places within the Borough. Kirk Sandall Junior School has an admission number of 90 and a capacity of 360 pupils. Part of the capacity is provided in temporary accommodation which requires replacement due to its dilapidated condition.

The replacement will ensure that sufficient places are in place to meet the demand from the new housing development. The maximum Contribution (funded from S106 developer contributions) is £149,501
which, as part of the developer’s legal agreement, can only be used to contribute towards the provision of primary school places at Kirk Sandall Infant and Junior Schools. Any shortfall in the funding being met by Kirk Sandall Academy Trust.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/07/2018

Decision due: 20 Dec 2017 by Director of People

Contact: Paul Ruane, Head of Education Services Email:
