Title: Portfolio Holder for Public Health, Communities, Leisure and Culture
Party: Labour
Ward: Conisbrough
Other councillors representing this Ward:
1st Saturday of the month (except August). 10.30am to 11.30am. Elm Green Lane, Conisbrough (Cllr Ian Pearson)
3rd Saturday of the month (except August). 10.15am to 11.15am. Conisbrough Library (Cllr Lani-Mae Ball)
1st Monday of the month (except August). 4.30pm to 5.30pm. Denaby Family Hub, School Walk, Denaby Main (Cllr Nigel Ball)
2nd Saturday of the month (except August). 10.00am to 10.30am. Street Surgery, Grey Court, Denaby Main (outside Home Bargains)
Correspondence address:
C/O Executive Office
Floor 4
Civic Office
Phone: 01709 326299 (Ward issues)
Email: nigel.ball@doncaster.gov.uk
Phone: 01302 734789 (Cabinet)
Download Councillor Nigel Ball contact details as VCard