
Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the council's decision making bodies since 22 May 2015. If you wish to search for decisions prior to this date please use the search function under Search agendas, minutes and reports.

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Decisions published

05/06/2020 - LOCYP 1920052 Provision of Wider Footpath and Additional Gate Access at Thorne King Edward Primary - Draw Down of Funds from Safeguarding Funding ref: 2301    Recommendations Approved

To support our key focus for COVID Response and Recovery, Thorne King Edward Primary have highlighted a major concern during the planning and preparation to open their school following recent government guidelines. The school wish to provide a group of pupils to transfer into year 7 of their new school as part of their transition arrangements from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 (including other admissions where necessary).
Due to the existing narrow path, small access gate and a large volume of pupils which require access to the playground and school entrance / reception, this current provision creates a high risk to pupils, staff and community issue. The school want to provide a one-way system to ensure the safety of all users however; the major risks identified are impossible social distancing measures, mass congregations and no provision of social isolation with the current provision available. Staggered starts have been considered by the school but the risks and safety for others remain high

Decision Maker: Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills

Decision published: 25/02/2022

Effective from: 05/06/2020


To approve the use of £8000.00 of Safeguarding Funding on urgent capital works at Thorne King Edward Primary for the installation of a gate and suitable barrier protecting the children from the highway within the school grounds. Thorne King Edward Primary will fund a 10% contribution towards the overall costs

Lead officer: Neil McAllister

05/06/2020 - LOP&S - 1920050 - Special Provision for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disability Capital Funding (2018 – 2021) – Draw Down of Funds. ref: 2041    Recommendations Approved

To enable Bader to open on 1 September 2020 in temporary accommodation at Levett Upper prior to occupation of their new premises planned for 1 January 2021. This will provide a group of pupils to transfer into year 7 of their new school as part of their transition arrangements from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 and other admissions where necessary.

See attached Officer Decision Record for further information.

Decision Maker: Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills

Decision published: 02/03/2021

Effective from: 05/06/2020


To approve the use of £26,367.92 of Special Provision for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disability Capital Funding (2018 – 2021) on Capital Works at Levett Upper School.

Lead officer: Neil McAllister

05/06/2020 - CR/396/07/20 - Approval of Funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget No 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 & 51 ref: 2031    Recommendations Approved

The individual applications below, detail the extent to which the initiative will seek to
make a positive impact in the community and ensure the most vulnerable people within
Doncaster Communities are supported in a safe and responsible way during the Covid19 pandemic.

a. Rossington Good Neighbours
Reference No: 46/DCF/WBCV19/Ros&Baw
Supported by: Councillor Rachael Blake, Councillor John Cooke &
Councillor Mick Cooper
Cost £800.00 (£266.66 x 3 Councillors)
Funding will purchase food and the group will be able to restart home deliveries of a two course meal, twice per week to isolated residents in Rossington.

b. Rossington Cricket Club
Reference No: 47/DCF/WBCV19/Ros&Baw
Supported by: Councillor Rachel Blake, Councillor John Cooke &
Councillor Mick Cooper
Cost £300.00 (£100.00 x 3 Councillors)
The funding will help keep the Cricket club viable and cricket matches can still be offered at the same cost as before, which is particularly important for families who are struggling due to the effects of COVID-19.

c. Wildings Community Group
Reference No: 48/DCF/WBCV19/BS
Supported by: Councillor John Healy & Councillor Nuala Fennelly
Cost £500.00 (£124.67 – Cllr John Healy, £375.33 – Cllr Nuala Fennelly)
Funding will enable the group to purchase stories, games, crafts, information, reflection and cover many skills and holistic development opportunities to include in an activity pack which will be delivered to socially isolated and vulnerable children, helping to improve their emotional health and wellbeing.

d. DN7 Community Foodbank
Reference No: 49/DCF/WBCV19/St&BD
Supported by: Councillor George Derx
Cost £1000.00

Due to increase in demand the funding would help to purchase food to cover an area outside of the postcode area but within the confines of the Ward Boundary covering Barnby Dun.

e. Highfields Community Support
Reference No: 50/DCF/WBCV19/Adw&Car
Supported by: Councillor John Mounsey, Councillor David Hughes,
Councillor Rachel Hodson
Cost £1500.00 (£500 x 3 Councillors)
The group will purchase of activity books, games, puzzles, craft materials make them up into activity packs and deliver them to all age groups, which will help the children of Highfields and Woodfield and Adwick primary schools with social isolation.

f. 47th Doncaster (Edenthorpe) Scout Group
Reference No: 51/DCF/WBCV19/Ed&KS
Supported by: Councillor Andrea Robinson
Cost £1135.00
Children have begun working towards badges at home during isolation, and the funding will cover postage, consumables and stationery to help them obtain these badges. Also the funding helps towards the lost income as subs are currently suspended but the
group still have revenue costs which are being incurred.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services

Decision published: 25/02/2021

Effective from: 05/06/2020


To approve the following application for grant funding from the Doncaster Community:
Fund – Ward Member Budget

a. Rossington Good Neighbours
Reference No: 46/DCF/WBCV19/Ros&Baw
Supported by: Councillor Rachael Blake, Councillor John Cooke &
Councillor Mick Cooper
Cost £800.00 (£266.66 x 3 Councillors)
b. Rossington Cricket Club

Reference No: 47/DCF/WBCV19/Ros&Baw
Supported by: Councillor Rachel Blake, Councillor John Cooke &
Councillor Mick Cooper
Cost £300.00 (£100.00 x 3 Councillors)

c. Wildings Community Group
Reference No: 48/DCF/WBCV19/BS
Supported by: Councillor John Healy & Councillor Nuala Fennelly
Cost £500.00 (£124.67 – Cllr John Healy, £375.33 – Cllr Nuala Fennelly)

d. DN7 Community Foodbank
Reference No: 49/DCF/WBCV19/St&BD
Supported by: Councillor George Derx
Cost £1000.00

e. Highfields Community Support
Reference No: 50/DCF/WBCV19/Adw&Car
Supported by: Councillor John Mounsey, Councillor David Hughes,
Councillor Rachel Hodson

Cost £2000.00 (£666.66 x 3 Councillors)
f. 47th Doncaster (Edenthorpe) Scout Group
Reference No: 51/DCF/WBCV19/Ed&KS
Supported by: Councillor Andrea Robinson
Cost £1135.00

Lead officer: Andrew Sercombe

26/05/2020 - AHWB.005.2020 BCF funding for ICES - Approval of Better Care Fund (BCF) Funding from the earmarked reserve to agree a new post-Partnership Manager for the Integrated Community Equipment Service ref: 1945    Recommendations Approved

The BCF is a programme spanning both the NHS and local government to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our society, placing them at the centre of their care and support, and providing then with ‘wrap around’ fully integrated health and social care, resulting in an improved experience and better quality of life.

The present supply contract is due to end on 5 September 2021 and there are no further extensions available. To inform the commissioning decision, there is an urgency to carry out a deep dive service review and benchmark other authorities whilst ensuring compliance with statutory duties and the promotion of independence, choice and control. Due to the complexity of the service, work needs to be undertaken within a tight timescale and ready to mobilise for a start date of September 2021.

Decision Maker: Director of Improvement Adults, Health and Wellbeing

Decision published: 23/10/2020

Effective from: 26/05/2020


To agree the recommendation from Joint Commissioning Operational Group, approved by Joint Commissioning Management Board on 19 March 2020, to provide funding for two years of £123,000 to be funded from the Non Recurrent BCF Earmarked Reserve allocated to the Place Plan for a new post-Partnership Manager for the Integrated Community Equipment Service.

Lead officer: Phil Holmes

28/05/2020 - CR/371/05/20 - Approval of Funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget No 41 & 42 ref: 1922    Recommendations Approved

Further to the establishment of a ward Members Budget of upto £3k per Councillor (ODR No: CR/352/04/20,) a number of applications have been received and assessed in line with the application criteria and supported by the relevant ward Councillor (s).

The individual applications below, detail the extent to which the initiative will seek to make a positive impact in the community and ensure the most vulnerable people within Doncaster Communities are supported in a safe and responsible way during the Covid 19 pandemic.

a. Tickhill Community Connections
Reference No: 41/DCF/WBCV19/Ti&Wad
Supported by: Councillors Nigel Cannings & Martin Greenhalgh
Cost £2,400 (£1,200 x 2 Ward Councillors)

Essential items will be delivered to the vulnerable in the Tickhill area. The group will also provide regular phone calls to those socially isolated. Provide carepacks for children and young people identified as being in need. Establish a growing project within the community. Young people will be encouraged to grow food at home that they can share. Recipe book produced.

b. St Lawrence Church
Reference No: 42/DCF/WBCV19/Hat
Supported by: Councillors Derek Smith
Cost £1,000

Craft resources will be purchased to send out in the Messy Church delivered boxes. A Summer club will be promoted by 5 local schools and will resource families with activities through the 6 week holidays, each child will have a pack of items at the beginning of the summer, possibly including a t-shirt, logo bag and hat, as well as some craft materials for future activities

Decision Maker: Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services

Decision published: 02/07/2020

Effective from: 28/05/2020


To approve the following application for grant funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget:

a. Tickhill Community Connections
Reference No: 41/DCF/WBCV19/Ti&Wad
Supported by: Councillors Nigel Cannings & Martin Greenhalgh
Cost £2,400 (£1,200 x 2 Ward Councillors)

b. St Lawrence Church
Reference No: 42/DCF/WBCV19/Hat
Supported by: Councillors Derek Smith
Cost £1,000

Lead officer: Andrew Sercombe

01/06/2020 - CR/372/05/20 - Approval of Funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget No 45. ref: 1914    Recommendations Approved

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details

Decision Maker: Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services

Decision published: 10/06/2020

Effective from: 01/06/2020


To approve the following application for grant funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget

a. Thorne and Moorends Primary Schools
Reference No: 45/DCF/WBCV19/Th&Mo
Supported by: Councillor Mark Houlbrook
Cost £1000.00 x 1 Councillor

Lead officer: Andrew Sercombe

03/06/2020 - CR/375/06/20 - Doncaster Community Fund Ward Budgets No.'s 52 & 53 ref: 1912    Recommendations Approved

Further to the establishment of a ward Members Budget of up to £3k per Councillor (ODR No: CR/352/04/20,) a number of applications have been received and assessed in line with the application criteria and supported by the relevant ward Councillor (s).

The individual applications below, detail the extent to which the initiative will seek to make a positive impact in the community and ensure the most vulnerable people within Doncaster Communities are supported in a safe and responsible way during the Covid 19 pandemic.

a. All Saints Food Bank Woodlands
Reference No: 52/DCF/WBCV19/Adw&Car
Supported by: Councillor John Mounsey, Councillor David Hughes &
Councillor Rachel Hodson
Cost £3000.00 (£1000 x 3 Councillors)

Funding will purchase food for the foodbank which supplies vulnerable residents of Woodlands, Highfields and Adwick who are experiencing food poverty through the pandemic.

b. Barnburgh & Harlington Parish Council
Reference No: 53/DCF/WBCV19/Sp
Supported by: Councillor Cynthia Ransome
Cost £960.00 x Councillor

The funds will be used to purchase items for care packages which include
fresh food and vegetables, and cleaning essentials which will be delivered to vulnerable residents in Barnburgh and Harlington. The residents receiving the packages are having to isolate and are experiencing financial difficulties.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Corporate Resources

Decision published: 09/06/2020

Effective from: 03/06/2020


To approve the following application for grant funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget

a. All Saints Food Bank Woodlands
Reference No: 52/DCF/WBCV19/Adw&Car
Supported by: Councillor John Mounsey, Councillor David Hughes &
Councillor Rachel Hodson
Cost £3000.00 (£1000 x 3 Councillors)

b. Barnburgh & Harlington Parish Council
Reference No: 53/DCF/WBCV19/Sp
Supported by: Councillor Cynthia Ransome
Cost £960.00 x Councillor

Lead officer: Scott Fawcus

28/05/2020 - CR/373/06/20Approval of Funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget No 40. ref: 1911    Recommendations Approved

Further to the establishment of a ward Members Budget of upto £3k per Councillor (ODR No: CR/352/04/20,) a number of applications have been received and assessed in line with the application criteria and supported by the relevant ward Councillor (s).

The individual applications below, detail the extent to which the initiative will seek to make a positive impact in the community and ensure the most vulnerable people within Doncaster Communities are supported in a safe and responsible way during the Covid
19 pandemic.

a. Balby and Hexthorpe Community Engagement Group
Reference No: 40/DCF/WBCV19/BS
Supported by: Councillor John Healy
Cost £500.00 x 1 Councillor
Funding will supply the vulnerable and elderly people of Balby and Hexthorpe that are identified by doctors, police, council and other organisations with food parcels and cleaning products on a weekly basis, and they will receive a weekly welfare check phone call.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Corporate Resources

Decision published: 05/06/2020

Effective from: 28/05/2020


To approve the following application for grant funding from the Doncaster Community Fund – Ward Member Budget
a. Balby and Hexthorpe Community Engagement Group
Reference No: 40/DCF/WBCV19/BS
Supported by: Councillor John Healy
Cost £500.00 x 1 Councillor

Lead officer: Andrew Sercombe