
Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the council's decision making bodies since 22 May 2015. If you wish to search for decisions prior to this date please use the search function under Search agendas, minutes and reports.

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Decisions published

09/04/2021 - LOP&S - 2021044 - Sheffield City Region Start Platform ref: 2210    Recommendations Approved

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Education, Skills, Culture and Heritage

Decision published: 14/10/2021

Effective from: 09/04/2021


To procure a Sheffield City Region Start Platform through a competitive tender. The costs of the platform would be up to £40,000 for development and £20,000 per year for hosting and maintenance. The maintenance costs would be split between the four Councils involved meaning the annual maintenance cost to Doncaster Council would be up to £5,000 per annum.

Lead officer: Robin MacNeill

15/04/2021 - LOP&S - 2021047 - Department for Education – Holiday, Activity & Food Programme. ref: 2166    Recommendations Approved

Doncaster Council has been allocated £1,379,600 from the Department for Education’s Holiday Activity & Food Programme.

The £1,379,600 will be used to offer free holiday and food activity places to children and young people, who receive benefits-related free school meals. Of this, £138,000 has been allocated for the Easter period. However, any underspend will be rolled over in to the summer programme.
The following information has been shared with partners across Doncaster, asking for proposals to be submitted by 12.00 noon on Monday 22nd March 2021;

From the 29th March 2021 out-of-school settings and wraparound providers will be able to offer both outdoor and indoor provision to specified groups, including vulnerable children and children on benefits related free school meals, where they are attending as part of our holiday activities and food programme.

Doncaster Council wish to commission a partner(s) that can provide consistent and easily accessible enrichment activities for eligible children in the borough during the Easter 2021 holiday period. The aim of this Easter 2021 programme is to make free places available to children eligible for free school meals for the equivalent of at least 4 hours a day, 4 days a week for one week during the Easter 2021 holiday period.

The successful partner(s) will have flexibility about how they deliver this level of provision to best serve the needs of children and families in Doncaster. There will also be flexibility in how the programme can be delivered to older children. Partners must ensure that sufficient, adequate provision is available across the borough for children with SEND or additional needs. Partner(s) must follow all Government guidance in relation to the coronavirus pandemic, including the ‘protective measures for holiday and after-school clubs, and other out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak’
out-of-school-settings-for-children-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak/protective-measuresfor-out-of-school-settings-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak) March 2021. The Easter 2021 holiday programme is targeted at children whose families receive benefits related free school meals [pupil premium & vulnerable children and young people]. It is expected that a chosen partner (working in
conjunction with schools) will undertake the necessary promotion to the eligible children and their families in order to maximise take up of the provision. We expect this will be undertaken using the ‘Edulog’ communication system.

Decision Maker: Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills

Decision published: 11/08/2021

Effective from: 15/04/2021


To agree to fund activities during the Easter 2021 Schools Holidays of up to £138,000 from the Department for Education’s Holiday, Activity & Food Programme on a range of proposals as set out in box 3.

On Friday 19th March the Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones and Overview and Scrutiny Consultee:
Councillor Jane Kidd, agreed to approve the RULE 16 DECISION: DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION

As part of this Rule 16 decision, it was agreed; To delegate decisions around how to allocate the grant within its terms and conditions to the Assistant Director: Partnerships, Early Intervention & Localities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People and Schools.

Lead officer: Riana Nelson

20/04/2021 - AHWB.018.2021 Financial Support to Adult Social Care ref: 2141    Recommendations Approved

The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the adult social care provider market. A Special Urgency Report to the Mayor dated 5th November 2020 resulted in certain recommendations being made which included the following:

• Agree an extension to the programme of financial support in response to the COVID 19 crisis. This extension will be from the 1st July 2020 to 31st October 2020 for adult social care providers who are commissioned by the Council to provide care services across the borough.

• As the impact of COVID 19 on care providers was likely to continue beyond 31st October, the decision to extend any further financial support to the adult social care provider sector up to the 31st March 2021 was delegated to the Director of Adults Health and Wellbeing in consultation with the Director of Corporate Resources and the Portfolio Holder for Adults Health and Wellbeing. Subject to future direction from central government and the movement of the COVID-19 crisis, in line with any grant conditions.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 29/07/2021

Effective from: 20/04/2021


To grant supplier relief for costs when applied for under the Supplier Relief Scheme to Adult Social Care providers for costs incurred between 1st July 2020 and 31st January 2021 in line with the Rule 16 report dated 5th November 2020 and the subsequent ODR signed 16th March 2021.

Lead officer: Kathryn Anderson-Bratt

21/04/2021 - AHWB.017.2021 BCF S75 Framework Agreement for 2021 2022 ref: 2140    Recommendations Approved

The Better Care Fund (“BCF”) is a programme spanning both the NHS and local government to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our society, placing them at the centre of their care and support, and providing them with ‘wraparound’ fully integrated health and social care, resulting in an improved experience and better quality of life. The Improved Better Care Fund (“IBCF”), and Disabled Facilities Grant are additional elements to the Better Care Fund, which are paid as direct grants to Councils, but must be pooled into the local BCF plan and regulated by a Section 75 Agreement pursuant to partnership arrangements permitted under the NHS Act 2006.

The varied Clause 2.3 of the Agreement allows the existing fund transfer arrangement and the related budget and governance arrangement of various schemes to be extended for a further 12 month period by the agreement of Doncaster Council and DCCG through the Better Care Fund Partnership Board.

This ODR concerns the BCF, IBCF and Disabled Facilities Grant pooled budgets between DCCG and Doncaster Council for the financial year 2021/22.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 29/07/2021

Effective from: 21/04/2021


To vary the Agreement as follows:
a) To vary clause 2.3 to allow the extension of the Agreement for one further period of 12 months for the period 1st April 2021 – 31st March 2022;
b) To update the terms of reference in schedule 2 of the Agreement;
c) To update Schedule 5 of the Agreement to reflect post COVID 19 systems of working;
d) To update the policies attached at schedule 7 to include the Council’s Work, Experience, Internship and Volunteer Worker policy;
e) To allow the option of further variations to schedule 5 and schedule 6 to reflect future published governmental guidance regarding the operation of the Better Care Fund.

To extend for a period of 12 months the existing 2020/2021 Section 75 Better Care Fund and Improved Better Care Fund Framework Partnership Agreement relating to the pooling of funds between DCCG and Doncaster Council for 2021/2022 in accordance with the proposed varied clause 2.3 of the Agreement and ODR Decision - Reference AHWB.056.2019_S75_Council_CCG_2019-20 2020_21

Lead officer: Stacey Chaplin

22/04/2021 - AHWB.019.2021 DoLS Budget Change - Change to the way the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards team assessment budget (code HM001) is utilised ref: 2134    Recommendations Approved

The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (‘DoLS’) team has an allocated assessment budget to ensure that the Council’s statutory duties (pursuant to the DoLS framework) are met. To authorise a deprivation of liberty as lawful and proportionate, each client that has been referred to the team requires six assessments.

Pursuant to Doncaster Council’s DoLS process, the BIAs complete 4 of the 6 assessments and the Mental Health Assessors (‘MHA’) complete 2 of the 6 assessments. All MHA assessments are completed by independent MHA’s via Reed agency and the assessor is paid per assessment. BIA assessments are completed via a combination of BIA trained staff employed by Doncaster Council and a cohort of independent assessors via Reed. Reed assessors are paid per assessment and Doncaster Council employed staff members receive a graded salary.

Reed sourced the independent assessor team and continue to manage the project against a set of deliverables, ensuring resource availability (where possible) in line with our weekly requests. This project was set up via an order against the overarching contractual framework agreement that Doncaster Council has with Reed. This order was placed in January 2019 and is to run for a period of three years.

On 22 March 2021 Doncaster Council will change its adult social care case management system and the Council is taking steps to increase its internal BIA workforce. On that basis, and for the remainder of the contract duration, the number of BIA referrals will gradually be reduced and phased out (with the project continuing to its end date providing MHA assessments only).

On that basis, and over a period of 12 weeks starting w/c Monday 5 April 2021, the number of BIA assessment requests will be reduced on a weekly basis. The gradual reduction will be confirmed via email on a weekly basis (and a week in advance of the assessors being required) so that Reed can confirm that it has a sufficient supply of assessors to meet the current demand.

During this 12 week transition period it is not anticipated that the number of MHA assessments as predicted in the original order will increase/ decrease. If the position does change, Doncaster Council will provide Reed with 2 weeks’ notice of any change.

A variation to the order placed has been completed in writing and signed by both parties confirming the above.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director Adult Social Care and Safeguarding.

Decision published: 28/07/2021

Effective from: 22/04/2021


To utilise the team’s assessment budget in an alternative way; to procure fewer Best Interest Assessor (‘BIA’) assessments via Reed agency (pursuant to the current DoLS team order against the overarching framework) and instead use the available budget to employ more BIA staff in the team on fixed term contracts.

An ODR2 has been completed as the value of the change equates to approximately £74,000 of the budget that will be used to employ members of staff within the team, and will not be used to pay for BIA assessments procured via Reed.

Lead officer: Charlotte Wilson

15/04/2021 - AHWB.006.2021 County Wide Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme ref: 2117    Recommendations Approved

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision published: 22/06/2021

Effective from: 15/04/2021


To approve Doncaster Council to undertake the following:
1. Act as Lead Authority in the procurement of a new contract for a county wide voluntary domestic abuse perpetrator programme, with revised contract terms.
2. Enter into the contract with the selected provider with the other authorities and organisations (namely Sheffield City Council, Barnsley Council, Rotherham Council and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner).
3. Utilise funding on the following basis: (a) Doncaster contributing Public Health funding of £52k per annum for a period of three years.
(b) Receiving on an annual basis £60k from Sheffield Council, £50k from Barnsley Council, £50k from Rotherham Council and £50k from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner as a contribution towards the county wide voluntary domestic abuse perpetrator programme for a period of three years, plus the possibility of 1 x 12 month extension.

Lead officer: Bill Hotchkiss

15/04/2021 - LOP&S 2122001 - 2021/22 Planned Spend of £2,975,000 Social Care Support ref: 2103    For Determination

The Council’s Revenue budget was approved at the Full Council meeting on 1st March 2021. The Council’s MTFS included £2,975,000 for additional Social Care Support grant, which was announced in the Spending Review. This funding will be allocated in 2021/22 only, to provide for additional Children Social Care pressures that are not
provided in the MTFS. The service demand pressures include over 60% more referrals in July and September compared to the previous year leading to higher numbers of Children In Need, on average 18% higher for the period September to November, greater numbers of Children with a Child Protection Plan, circa. 28% increase for the same period, and Children in Care. Although the estimated impact on the majority of the budget areas in 2021/22 is detailed in Appendix B of the Council’s Revenue Budget report, there are further areas which will be met from the £2,975,000 funding allocation, which is delegated to the Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills and Assistant Director of Finance (Section 151) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People and Skills.
The funding of £2,975,000 will be allocated as follows:
- £1,200,000 to Doncaster Children’s Services Trust (DCST) to offset the ending of funding from the Department of Education (DfE) following the revocation of the Statutory Direction for Doncaster on 31st January 2021. This will be paid to DCST as part of the normal contract payment commencing in April 2021.
- £54,000 to Doncaster Children’s Services Trust (DCST) for additional budget required to implement new Social Worker pay grades to help appoint new staff and retain existing staff as current pay grades were below neighbouring authorities, therefore the new grades make Doncaster more competitive. The additional budget required for the new Social Worker pay grades totals £198,000 but DCST will fund £144,000 of this from savings to be delivered from reducing the number of agency workers that will be required as more Social Workers are appointed and retained due to the new pay grades. This will be paid to DCST as part of the normal contract payment commencing in April 2021. Monitoring the delivery of the workforce strategy will include targets for reducing agency workers in accordance with the assumptions included in the budget. This will be monitored via the contract management meetings with DCST.
- £286,000 to Doncaster Children’s Services Trust (DCST) to invest in a Social Worker Academy. DCST are implementing plans to grow their own experienced Social Workers; two initial cohorts (6 from April 2021 for step up students and either May or June 2021 for an additional 6), and a further cohort of 12 in August 2021. The academy should deliver future year savings as the number of agency Social Workers required will reduce as the newly qualified workers caseloads increase as their experience grows. Please see appendix A Social Work Academy business case for further detail. The Director of Learning,
Opportunities and Skills will approve the release and payment of funds to DCST as required based on the information provided regarding the number of appointments made. This will be monitored via the contract management meetings with DCST.
- Up to £795,000 to Doncaster Children’s Services Trust (DCST) for additional Social Workers during 2021/22. The caseloads are monitored closely for average/maximum values and the majority of workers were carrying high caseloads due to the increased demand. Based on the estimated caseloads for 2021/22 and the recommended level per worker, it is estimated that an additional 18 Social Workers will be required to maintain caseloads at a maximum level per worker. The strategic aim is to achieve an average caseload not exceeding a range of 18 - 20 children or young people across Children’s Social Care to enable Social Workers and other practitioners to provide a high standard of practice to the children and families they work with. Please see Appendix B DSCT Case Loads Policy for further detail. This funding
will be released and paid to DCST, following agreement on the planned
recruitment to reduce the caseloads based on the latest caseload information available, taking into account the availability of social workers. The Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills will approve the release and payment of funds as required based on the information provided. This will be monitored via the contract management meetings with DCST.
- £640,000 to be used as in year Social Care costs contingency for service reviews and any in year demand pressures on the Care Ladder. The service reviews and Care Ladder will be monitored through the contract management meetings with DCST, and the use of the Social Care costs contingency will be approved and monitored in the Council’s quarterly Finance

Decision Maker: Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills

Decision published: 14/06/2021

Effective from: 15/04/2021


To approve the 2021/22 planned spend of £2,975,000 Social Care Support Grant delegated to the Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills and Assistant Director of Finance (Section 151) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People and Skills.

Lead officer: Riana Nelson

22/04/2021 - AHWB.019.2021 DoLS Budget Change ref: 2101    Recommendations Approved

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details

Decision Maker: Assistant Director Adults Health and Wellbeing

Decision published: 11/06/2021

Effective from: 22/04/2021


To utilise the team’s assessment budget in an alternative way; to procure fewer Best Interest Assessor (‘BIA’) assessments via Reed agency (pursuant to the current DoLS team order against the overarching framework) and instead use the available budget to employ more BIA staff in the team on fixed term contracts.

An ODR2 has been completed as the value of the change equates to approximately £74,000 of the budget that will be used to employ members of staff within the team, and will not be used to pay for BIA assessments procured via Reed.

Lead officer: Charlotte Wilson

22/04/2021 - L&OP: CYP 212203 - Publication of the Annual Post 16 Transport Policy ref: 2086    Recommendations Approved

There is a statutory requirement to publish a Post 16 Transport Policy Statement by 31st May each year in accordance with the Home to School Statutory Travel and Transport Guidance published by the Government in 2014.

Decision Maker: Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills

Decision published: 10/06/2021

Effective from: 22/04/2021


There is a statutory requirement to publish a Post 16 Transport Policy Statement by 31st May each year. Following legal advice a consultation on the proposed policy for the 2021/2022 Academic year was approved and undertaken in January 2021.

There were no changes proposed within the consultation for 2021/22 and only one response was received from South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) this contained suggested wording in relation to the bus passes and tickets which they currently offer. These updates have been made to the draft policy and a copy is attached for information.

Approval is now required to publish the policy in May 2021 in accordance with the guidance.

Lead officer: Kim Holdridge

21/04/2021 - PH 09 2021 - Renewal of the Joint Commissioning Agreement from 1st April 2021 for 12 months to 31st March 2022 ref: 2064    Recommendations Approved


Social and economic challenges such as rising demand for services, fewer resources, an ageing population and more people aged under 18 over the next ten years, has led to statutory health and care partners working more collaboratively to improve and modernise services and the way services are delivered.

Doncaster Council and Doncaster NHS CCG (CCG) has a long history of working together to achieve positive change for Doncaster residents.
In 2017, the Council entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the CCG to establish shadow joint commissioning arrangements to take forward seven areas of opportunity, (originally described in the Doncaster Place Plan) where joint commissioning and delivery could be tested.

The seven areas of opportunity were across all life-stages from birth to old age where joined up care and support is required to have a stronger impact on outcomes for individuals. The seven areas of opportunity are Urgent and Emergency Care, Intermediate Care, Complex Lives, Learning Disability, Starting Well first 1001 days, Vulnerable Adolescents and Dermatology. All the areas of opportunity have been progressed to varying degrees of success with the exception of dermatology where plans are being developed to deliver services closer to home within general practice rather than in hospital.

A formal Joint Commissioning Agreement was put in place in April 2018 to enable the Council and the CCG to jointly commission services. This Agreement expired at the end of March 2021.

A refreshed Joint Commissioning Agreement has been developed between the Council and the CCG. This ODR is seeking approval to enter into the new Joint Commissioning Agreement from 1st April 2021.
The JCA underpins the level of integration needed to ensure services are joined up at key points in the lives of Doncaster residents when they need that most.

Joint Commissioning Strategy and Deliver Plans

To support the Place Plan, in April 2019, the Council and the CCG implemented a Joint Commissioning Strategy (JCS) and detailed delivery plans, aligned with the NHS Long term Plan. The JCS sets out the direction of travel and priorities for the Council and the CCG to 2022, it seeks to reduce duplication and make the best use of local resources.
The JCS is underpinned by guiding principles to shape the way partners work together. The Joint Commissioning Strategy is part of the JCA and is the vehicle by which the requirements of the JCA will be delivered.

Place Plan

The Doncaster Place Plan originally published in December 2016, described a 5 year ambition to achieve integrated health and social care, underpinned by the following key strands of work:-
- Identifying areas where residents could benefit most from integration (Areas of Opportunity)
- Developing formal Agreements to create commissioner and provider collaboration
- Revising governance arrangements and developing delivery arrangements to support integration

The Place Plan was refreshed in 2019, with an increasing focus on people as opposed to services. This means that instead of looking at where care is delivered, we are now thinking about local communities and their needs.

The refreshed Place Plan has the same vision and partnership working commitments at its core. It highlights how services will continue to work together to ensure seamless, coordinated services for the people of Doncaster.

The Place Plan refresh is based on a four layered model, focusing on:

- Supporting communities to thrive, working much more closely with the voluntary, community and faith sector, investing in social prescribing to improve health and emotional wellbeing
- Developing a ‘front door system’, where there is no wrong door to access health and care services. This will help get people to the right place, first time
- Joining up care and support at home.
- Help ensure our specialist services can be used more appropriately, across all three life stages thus reducing the demand and need for hospital and emergency care.

The Joint Commissioning Agreement

The Agreement is between the Council and CCG setting out our joint commissioning arrangements across three life stages of Starting, Living and Ageing Well. The Agreement enables the Council and CCG to prepare for formal joint commissioning of services under a Section 75 (S75) agreement. A S75 Agreement is an Agreement made under section 75 of National Health Services Act 2006, which allows the pooling of resources, the delegation of certain NHS and Council health related functions to the other partner, joint and/or lead commissioning of services and the pooling of budgets. In essence the JCA:-

a. Is a legally binding commitment to develop integrated commissioning and builds on the previously agreed JCA between the Council and CCG.
b. Sets out the work required to support the parties to deliver effective joint commissioning whilst providing the necessary legal assurances for both the Council and CCG. This provides the strategic commitment to bring commissioning together for the benefit of Doncaster residents, and to jointly address the financial challenges in the system.
c. Commits both parties to work together during 2021/22 to support joint working arrangements including integrated working and joint contracting of services where sensible to do so
d. Sets out the areas of joint development, the aims, integration goals and commissioning actions.

The governance framework is contained in the JCA. The governance processes include regular reports to the Health and Well Being Board and to the Joint Commissioning Management Board.

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 21/04/2021

Effective from: 21/04/2021


The current Joint Commissioning Agreement expired at the end of March 2021.

This ODR renews the Joint Commissioning Agreement from 1st April 2021 for up to 12 months to 31st March 2022. The Agreement will underpin current joint commissioning arrangements and enable Doncaster residents to increasingly experience seamless, joined up care and support.

Lead officer: Dr Rupert Suckling

15/04/2021 - LOP&S 2122002 - supplier Relief Scheme Linked to previous ODR 2021032 ref: 2063    Recommendations Approved

- The Homes to Schools Transport sector is a vulnerable market and does not attract many if any bids for certain routes. Occasionally, the Council struggles to fulfil its statutory requirements due to the limited supply base.
- Most firms are local or regional businesses and are reliant on the Council for income.
- Appetite to sustain businesses in this sector to ensure competition for routes continues once the contract returns to normal operations.
- In particular, sustain smaller businesses who predominantly pick up the harder to tender runs that in turn helps ensure value for money (VFM).
- Appetite to sustain as many providers in the market as possible to ensure transport can be managed at a competitive price.

Decision Maker: Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills

Decision published: 19/04/2021

Effective from: 15/04/2021


To Grant Supplier Relief as outlined in previous ODR to the firms named in the attached Officer Decision Record.

Lead officer: Kim Holdridge

28/01/2021 - LOP&S CYP 2021032 - Supplier Relief Scheme (Lockdown 3) - ref: 2062    Recommendations Approved

Due to Covid 19 contractors have not been able to fulfil their contracted arrangement and therefore this has resulted in significant loss of income. Additionally, lockdown has prevented them from pursuing other ad hoc work due to all non-essential services being closed. Without some assistance firms may not be able to continue after COVID leading to less competition and potentially higher prices. This is an essential service and failure to protect this sectors suppliers could result in significant challenges for the council in letting these contracts.

Decision Maker: Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills

Decision published: 19/04/2021

Effective from: 28/01/2021


To provide Supplier Relief to contractors who have had runs suspended as a result of the latest lockdown which commenced 5 January 2021. This is to be at the same rate and using the same mechanism agreed by Corporate Procurement and Finance previously, subject to any Government Procurement notices or other Government advice received.

See attached Officer Decision for further information.

Lead officer: Kim Holdridge

14/04/2021 - PH/07/2021 CAB - Citizens Advice Doncaster- Financial Resilience Services ref: 2061    Recommendations Approved

This decision is being taken in accordance with the Special Urgency decision taken by Mayor Jones on 23rd December, to receive £5.527m Contain Outbreak Management Fund from central government. This decision allocated the funding for a range of interventions against an agreed resource plan, agreed the carry forward of any underspends into 2021/22 to continue to support containment and intervention measures and delegated future decision making regarding the Contain outbreak management fund to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Director of Corporate Resources and the Portfolio Holder for Public Health.

The government has provided funding to support the Clinically extremely Vulnerable residents during these challenging times.

Doncaster people who are most in need as a result of the Covid-19 situation. Without doubt, Covid-19 has significantly affected individuals, families and communities in Doncaster including:-

- Local food banks have seen a rise in demand from around 500 people supported each week to almost 2,000 over the period of the epidemic;
- Out-of-work benefit claims have more than doubled in Doncaster compared to the same time last year; this represents an additional 7,400 residents claiming such benefits in June 2020 compared to June 2019;
- Over 3,500 households accessed a council tax payment break during the pandemic;
- 1,093 households received food parcels from our community hub (2,897 deliveries in total);
- A three-fold increase in applications for the Local Assistance Scheme; and
- A significant number of people in b and b’s and temporary accommodation.

As stated above, the current demand of food banks cannot be sustained and it is vital that we use this opportunity to strengthen the support offered to those facing financial difficulties, so that they have a longer-term plan and reduce dependency on food banks and government services.
It is anticipated that the economic consequences of Covid-19 will continue to put greater strain on individuals and families. In an effort to provide more support to prevent individuals and families from accruing new or increasing their existing debt, it is proposed to use £134k funding to pump prime additional debt work and support.

Given the timescales, it is proposed that this is done through an extension of the borough’s existing debt support service at the Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB). Funding will support the establishment of a phone and web chat assessment service with volunteer advisors. With a face to face advisor available to each venue one day a week for those who feel confident to meet face to face. The service will cover a 20-question assessment where residents can be signposted and supported to access other low-level support to increase opportunities for Personal Budgeting. The complex cases will then meet with an expert advisor using video sessions via WhatsApp or Google-Meet. This can be established relatively quickly using existing and trained volunteers. The CAB will work closely with food banks to ensure people are appropriately signposted for support.

The key objectives will be to:

- Prioritise communities who don't or have lower attendance at CAB offices across the borough;
- To set up a way for the client to contact specialist advisers for advice and support on debt issues, utilising online channels such as self-help, web chat, email, video and telephone appointments;
- To provide high quality debt advice in line with citizens advice and FCA quality standards;
- To enable clients who have no access to computers and phones, access to a community pod, so they can speak to advisers in locations they are easily able to access;
- To look at recruiting and training volunteers to give an appropriate level of advice and support, to support, train and upskill other organisations on appropriate signposting and referral options; and
- To look at setting out face-to-face outreach sessions at locations when the climate safely allows for this.

To strengthen the funding to third sector through SIA and VAD, CAB will work alongside local community, the faith and voluntary sector by training them to deliver low-level debt advice and support with an emphasis on empowering and upskilling residents to understand laws and regulations to take control of their own finances and not rely on support services. In addition to this, it is hoped that the CAB will be in a position to begin face-to-face sessions in April 2021 and the funding will be used to establish temporary outreach points in areas of high need across the
borough. Well Doncaster and Stronger Families are looking at the longer-term sustainability of this programme and funding.
Humanitarian Fund to be administered by Social Isolation Alliance (SIA) and Voluntary Action Doncaster (VAD). The criteria and panel will be undertaken by the VCFS task and finish group. (£100k)
Funding Panel

The distribution of this funding will be managed by the Social Isolation Alliance and Voluntary Action Doncaster. These organisations have convened a panel consisting of representatives from the funding providers, the sector and Local Authority. The panel will meet fortnightly to assess the bids submitted and to agree awards. Payments will be processed promptly in order to allow work to be started quickly. This fund will remain open until funding has been allocated.
Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply for and receive funding your group must fit the following criteria:

- Be a not for profit, third sector, voluntary or community group.
- Be connected with or meet the needs of Doncaster communities.
- Have a bank or building society account where at least two signatories are required to draw funds.
- Have a governing document that has a minimum of name, aim and membership.
- Meet due diligence requirements especially around safeguarding.
- Have evidence of community involvement in their application.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Corporate Resources

Decision published: 14/04/2021

Effective from: 14/04/2021


To award Citizens Advice Doncaster to deliver financial resilience services across the borough with the cost of £134,000 and £100,000 to Social Isolation Alliance and Voluntary Action Doncaster to manage the funds from grants of unto £5,000 for third sector to be funded from the Contain Outbreak Management fund

Lead officer: Dr Rupert Suckling